Moon Knight

Moon Knight 

Moon Knight (Original Title)

When Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift store employee who often loses consciousness and is haunted by memories of another person's life, he finds himself suffering from multiple personality disorder and sharing a body with mercenary Mark Spykert. As Steven/Mark's enemies close in on them, they navigate their complex identities while being drawn into a mysterious crisis with the powerful Egyptian gods...


Quotes from Taweret:

- You see, the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the sign of who you really were in life. If the Scales balance by the time you end the journey, then a soul is permitted to pass into the Field of Reeds. 
- What if they don't balance? 
- You get thrown overboard. Whoo! The dead will drag you down into the Duat, where you will remain forever, frozen in sand.

Quotes from Marc Spector:

The healing ended up being a curse. 

Quotes from Khonshu:

To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final word against the evildoers. To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it.

Quotes from Arthur Harrow:

Picture this, all right? Your brain is a pendulum, swinging between a very difficult reality.

The struggling mind will often build places to seek shelter for different aspects of the self from our most traumatic memories. It's called just an organizing principle, okay? Some people, they see a castle, right? Somebody else will see a maze, or a library. Or a... psych ward?

I can't save anyone who won't save themselves.

"No tree can ascend to the light of heaven if it doesn't descend to the depths of hell." That's a good line. Yeah.

Marc, we don't live in a material world. We live in a psychic world. Right? And we're only able to make indirect inferences about the nature of reality. Like, take, for example, this pen, right? To me, this is a writing utensil. Right? To my dog, it's a chew toy. Both are accurate. Right? It's just a question of context and perspective.

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