Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day (Original Title)

Phil (Bill Murray) is a weatherman who, in addition to giving viewers a funny and humorous weather forecast every day in front of the camera, also travels to a border town called Punxsutawney every February 2 to cover the local Groundhog Day celebration. He was eager to return home, but was delayed by a sudden snowstorm...


According to the legend, tomorrow, February 2... if the groundhog sees his shadow, we'll have six more weeks of winter. Keep your fingers crossed.

You know, some guys would look at this glass...and they would say, "That glass is half empty." Other guys would say, "That glass is half full." I peg you as a "glass is half empty" kind of guy. Am I right? What would you do if you were stuck in one place...and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered? That sums it up for me.

It's the same thing your whole life: "Clean up your room." " Stand up straight." " Pick up your feet." "Take it like a man." "Be nice to your sister." "Don't mix beer and wine, ever." "Don't drive on the railroad tracks."

I like to see a man of advancing years throwing caution to the wind. It's inspiring, in a way.

When Chekhov saw the long winter...he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. Yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But standing here among the people of Punxsutawney...and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts...I couldn't imagine a better fate...than a long and lustrous winter.

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