Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting (Original Title)

MIT maths professor Rambo announces a difficult maths problem at the table, only to have it solved by Will, a young caretaker. But Will is a troubled teenager who spends his days hanging around with his best friend Chuck and others, getting into fights and causing trouble. When Rambo finds the genius, he is sentenced by the court to detention for assaulting a police officer in a fight. Rambo pleads with the judge for bail to save him from jail.


Quotes from Sean:

It's not your fault. 
It's not your fault. 
It's not your fault. 
Fuck them okay?

There's more to life than a fuckin' Field's medal.

There are guys who work their entire life layin' their kids have a chance at the opportunities you have here.

- This girl's like fuckin' perfect right now. I don't wanna ruin that.
- Maybe you're perfect right now. Maybe you don't wanna ruin that. But I think that's a super philosophy Will. That way you can go through your entire life without ever having to really know anybody.
- 这女孩现在很完美,我不想破坏
- 或许是你不想破坏你自己的完美,我觉得那是极好的哲学,这样可以一辈子不认识任何人。

It's wonderful stuff you know? Little things like that. Yeah but those are the things I miss the most. Those little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. That's what made her my wife. Boy and she had the goods on me too. She knew all my little peccadillos. People call these things "imperfections". But they're not. That's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little world.

That's why I'm not talkin' right now about some girl I saw at a bar 20 years ago...and how I always regretted not goin' over and talkin' to her. I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy. I don't regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick. And I don't regret the last years when she got really sick. And I sure as hell don't regret missin' a damn game. That's regret. Would have been nice to catch that game though.

Can you imagine if Einstein would have given that up...just to get drunk with his buddies in Vienna every night. We all would have lost something. Tim would never have heard of him.

You're just a kid. You don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about. You've never been out of Boston. So if I asked you about art you'd probably give me the skinny...on every art book ever written. Michelangelo? You know a lot about him. Life's work political aspirations. Him and the pope...Sexual orientation. The whole works right? I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.You never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. 
If I ask you about women. you'll probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman...and feel truly happy.
You're a tough kid. I ask you about war you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me right? "Once more into the breach dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap... and watch him gasp his last breath lookin' to you for help.
If I asked you about love you'd probably quote me a sonnet. But you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes. Feelin' like God put an angel on Earth just for you. Who could rescue you from the depths of hell. And you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel. To have that love for her be there forever. Through anything. Through cancer.
And you wouldn't know about sleepin' sittin' up in a hospital room for two months holding her hand. because the doctors could see in your eyes...that the terms "visiting hours" don't apply to you. You don't know about real loss 'cause that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody that much. 
I look at you. I don't see an intelligent confident man. I see a cocky scared shitless kid. But you're a genius Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine. You ripped my fuckin' life apart.

Quotes from Will:

See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own. You're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life. One: Don't do that. And two: You dropped 150 grand on a fuckin' could've got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.

- You fuckin' people baffle me. You spend all your money on these fuckin' fancy books. You surround yourselves with 'em. They're the wrong fuckin' books.
- What are the right fuckin' books Will?
- Whatever blows your hair back.
- 我搞不懂你们这些人 他妈的把钱都花在这些可笑的书上,浪费在不对的书上面,
- 什么是他妈的对的书?
- 能让头发竖起来的。

And somebody puts a code on my desk. Something no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. I'm real happy with myself because I did my job well. But maybe that code...was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or Middle East. Once they have that location they bomb the village where the rebels are hidin'. Fifteen hundred people that I never met never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicians are saying "Send in the Marines to secure the area" 'cause they don't give a shit. It won't be their kid over there gettin' shotjust like it wasn't them when their number got called 'cause they were in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southie over there takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find the plant he used to work exported to the country he got back from and the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job...'cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile he realizes the only reason he was over there in the first place...was so we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price. 
Of course the oil companies used a skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices. A cute little ancillary benefit for them. but it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. They're takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil of course. Maybe they even took the liberty to hire an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martinis and fuckin' play slalom with the icebergs. It ain't too long till he hits one spills the oil... and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic.
So now my buddy's out of work he can't afford to drive so he's walkin' to the fuckin' job interviews..which sucks because the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him chronic hemorrhoids. Meanwhile he's starvin' 'cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special they're servin' is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State. So what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it. While I'm at it why not just shoot my buddy take his job give it to his sworn enemy hike up gas prices. Bomb a village club a baby seal hit the hash pipe and join the National Guard? I can be elected president.
国安局会给我破解不了的密码,或许我试了,也破解了,我很满意,因为表现良好,但也许那个密码…是位于北非或中东的叛军位置,他们发现后轰炸叛军藏身地,陌生的一千五百人因此丧命,然后政客派特战部队防守该区,他们才不在乎,因为被射杀的不会是他们的子女,因为他们都加入了后备部队,而在那边中弹的南区孩子,回国后发现他以前工作的工厂…被移转到他去打仗的国家,害他中弹的敌人抢了他的饭碗,因为那儿的人一天工资不到一元,最后他发现他会上战场…只是为了得到该国的廉价原油,好让石油公司利用战争恐慌,抬高国内油价,小赚一番,但两块五一加仑有个屁用,他们得花时间把石油运回国,或许还请了一个酗酒船长,他爱喝马丁尼,跟冰山玩滑雪,不久他撞上冰山,原油外漏…杀光北大西洋的海洋生物,现在我朋友失业,也开不起车,他走路去面谈,很难受,因为炮弹片让你慢性出血,他很饿 因为每次想吃东西,唯一的特餐是北大西洋鳕鱼,所以我会怎么想?我有更好的点子,我干脆射杀我朋友算了,把工作给敌人,提高油价,轰炸村庄,打死小海豹,吸食大麻,加入后备部队,我还可因此被选为总统。

Quotes from Chuckie:

Oh I don't know that. Let me tell you what I do know. Every day I come by your house and I pick you up. We go out and have a few drinks and few laughs and it's great. You know what the best part of my day is? It's for about ten seconds: from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door. 'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there. No "good-bye " no "see ya later." No nothing. You just left.
我告诉你我懂什么,我每天到你家接你,我们出去喝酒笑闹 那很棒,但我一天中最棒的时刻,只有十秒:从停车场到你家门口。每次我敲门都希望你不在了,不说再见,什么都没有,就这么走了。

Look you're my best friend so don't take this the wrong way. But in 20 years if you're still livin' here comin' over to my house to watch the Patriots games still workin' construction I'll fuckin' kill ya. That's not a threat. That's a fact. I'll fuckin' kill ya. Look you got something none of us have.
你是我的死党 所以别误会,但20年后你如果还住在这儿,到我家看球赛,还在搬砖盖房子,我会他妈的杀了你,那不是恐吓,我会宰了你,你拥有我们没有的天赋。

You don't owe it to yourself. You owe it to me 'cause tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50 and I'll still be doin' this shit. That's all right. That's fine. I mean you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. You're too much of a pussy to cash it in and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. Be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.

Quotes from others:

Growing up in England you know I went to a very nice school. You know it was kind of progressive private school. Then Harvard. Hopefully med school. You know I figured out by the end my brain's gonna be worth $250000. That sounded horrible didn't it?

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