
Farewell My Concubine

霸王别姬 (Original Title)

"Farewell, My Concubine" is a movie with two parallel, intertwined stories. It is the story of two performers in the Beijing Opera, stage brothers, and the woman who comes between them. At the same time, it attempts to do no less than squeeze the entire political history of China in the twentieth century into a three-hour time-frame.


1、If you belong to the human race, you go to the opera. If you don't go to the opera, you're not a human being. Pigs and dogs don't listen to opera.

2、I'm talking about a lifetime. One year, one month, one day, even one second less makes it less than a lifetime!

3、If you think you're above everyone else, you'll learn the hard way.

4、Dieyi, you really are obsessed.

5、Why should it be Peking Opera, when ancient heroes and beauties take the stage, but not when the labouring masses do?

6、"Farewell My Concubine"tells the story of the struggle between the Chu and Han kings. 
What sort of man was the King Of Chu? A peerless and invincible hero, a bold and resourceful general capable of defeating vast armies. But fate wasn't on his side. At Gaixia he fell into an ambush set by the Han king,Liu Bang. A great wind blew up on that night. Liu Bang's troops sang the songs of the kingdom of Chu all night long. The Chu warriors assumed Liu Bang already occupied their homeland. In a great panic, they fled. Even the king was weeping. No matter how resourceful you are, you can't fight fate. The king had once been all-powerful, but in the end all he had left was one woman and one horse.He tried to get his steed to run away, but it wouldn't go. He wanted his concubine to flee, but she stayed too. For the very last time, Concubine Yu poured wine for her king and danced for him with a sword, then cut her throat with it, faithful to the king unto death.


楚霸王,何许人也?那是天下无敌的盖世英雄,横扫千军的勇将猛帅,可老天却偏偏不成全他,在垓下中了汉军的十面埋伏,让刘邦给困死了。那天晚上 刮着大风,刘邦的兵唱了一宿的楚歌,楚国的人马以为刘邦得了楚地,全都慌了神了 跑光了,听得霸王也掉下泪来,人纵有万般能耐 可终也敌不过天命啊。那霸王风云一世,临到头…就剩下了一匹马和一个女人还跟着他!


7、"Life's like a dream of spring.
To your heart's content!
I shall drink to my heart's content."

8、"How can one know spring colours, unless one visits the garden?"

9、"I am so strong I can uproot the mountains, My courage is renowned.
I've fallen on bad times, yet even my horse won't run away to save itself.
If it won't run away, what can I do?
And my beloved concubine, what shall I do about her?"
“想俺项羽乎 力拔山兮气盖世…”

10、"At sixteen l am a nun.
My hair shorn at youth's prime.
Yet I am by nature a girl, not a boy.
Why must I wear these sexless robes?
I see the joyful couples pass.
In their splendid brocades. Despite myself, desire burns in my heart.
And I rend my Buddhist gown!
For year upon year, all over the land, I've followed my king on his military campaigns.
Enduring the wind, And frost and hard toil.
I hate only the lawless tyrant, Who has plunged our people into an abyss of misery!"
我本是女娇娥 又不是男儿郎…
为何腰系黄绦 身穿直掇
一对对着锦穿罗 不由人心急似火…
受风霜与劳碌 年复年年…
恨只恨无道秦 把生灵涂炭!”

11、"The flowers have blossomed, Their season's past.
All has fallen, into ruin and decay.
The sun shines brightly, over the beautiful scene.
But is there anyone left, to enjoy it?"

12、"A man doesn't lightly shed hi tears...
Unless his heart has broken."

13、"My king, quickly give me your precious sword.
No, you mustn't take your life!
My king, quickly give me your precious sword.
No, you must not do this!
Give me your sword.
No, never!"
“大王 快将宝剑赐予妾身!
妃子 不 不…不可寻此短见呐!
大王 快将宝剑赐予妾身!
大王 快将宝剑赐予妾身!

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