Capital in the 21st Century

Capital in the 21st Century

Capital in the 21st Century (Original Title)

Adapted from one of the most groundbreaking and influential books of our time, Capital in the 21st Century is an eye-opening tour of wealth and power that shatters the popular assumption that capital accumulation goes hand in hand with social progress and sheds new light on the world around us and its growing inequalities.


EN: Differences between capitalism and communism is so strong that only concrete and barbed wire could hold them…
CN: 资本主义和共产主义之间的差异如此之大,以至于只有混凝土和铁丝网才能将它们分隔开…

EN: In the 18th century, life for the poor is grim. If you're lucky, you might be a servant. Everyone else is a hand-to-mouth laborer, moving from place to place, following the work, being treated by the landowners exactly as they please. And of course there were no benefits, there's no health service, there's no free schooling, there's absolutely nothing. So poverty is a death sentence. And what's very striking is the average life expectancy in the 18th century is 17.
CN: 在18世纪,贫民的生活是糟糕的,如果你幸运的话,你可以成为一个侍从,其他人都只能是勉强糊口的劳工,哪里有工作就去到哪里,完全被地主们随意对待,没有福利,没有医疗保障,没有义务教育,什么都没有,所以贫穷相当于被判死刑,而且让人非常震惊的是18世纪的平均寿命预期是17年。

EN: For the rich, inheritance is the obsession. It's a very strict code. The eldest son gets the capital. He gets everything… He gets the money, he gets the house, he gets the land… And that makes him incredibly powerful, just through an accident of birth. These land-owning men, these first sons, they also have a huge amount of political power, because a lot of them are the MPs, they're elites.
CN: 对富人来说,继承是执念,这是个非常严格的准则,长子继承资本他得到所有钱,房子,土地,这让他拥有极大的力量,仅仅只是因为投胎技术好,这些地主,这些长子,他们同样拥有强大的政治力量。

EN: Money marries money. There's nothing to do with love.
CN: 财富和财富联姻,与爱无关。

I've been broke all my life
Now wonder
How does it feel to be rich?
How does it feel to be rich?
Oh, I done worked all my life
Now wonder
How does it feel to just live?
How does it feel to just live?

EN: In the French Revolution, the banner is "Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” It's going to be brotherhood, everyone's going to be free. But yet within a tiny amount of time, you have this government of bankers, and what they do is start to create the elites once more. This is the land that fought for liberty. Now when we fight, we fight for bread.
CN: 法国大革命的口号是"自由,平等,博爱",这将是兄弟般的团结,每个人都将自由,但仅仅只过了一段时间,政府就全是银行家了,而他们要做的就是再次创造精英阶层,这是为自由而战之地,现在我们为面包而战。

EN: Everyone's equal when they're dead.
CN: 每个人死后都是平等的。

EN: And competition between countries, nationalism, is often used by elites to make people forget class conflict and instead focus on national identity. And all this contributes to the arrival of the First World War in the summer of 1914.
CN: 国家之间的竞争和民族主义,时常被精英阶层用来让人们专注于国族认同,而忘掉阶级矛盾,这所有促成了1914年夏天一战的到来。

EN: The wars themselves are used to destroy capital.
CN: 战争是被用来摧毁资本的。

EN: I wish I had a castle in the sky. A way up high where bluebirds like to fly.
CN: 我希望有一个在天上的城堡,高高在上,那是蓝知更鸟飞翔的地方。

EN: Once you get people whose entire life is lived on a kind of plane, you know, in First Class, in the bubble of the security system, and your villa in three or four different countries you can move to if things get a bit unpleasant, what happens to taxation? What happens is large amounts of wealth are moved offshore.
CN: 一旦人们一辈子都过着那种,飞机头等舱的生活,被安全系统保护着,并且在三四个不同的国家都有别墅,一不开心就能搬过去,这种情况下税收会发生什么变化?结果就是大量财富被转移到离岸地区。

EN: Chinese people, they believe that if they work hard, their kids are gonna have better lives, and that's probably true. But in the United States, that's just not true anymore.
CN: 中国人相信只要他们努力工作,他们的孩子将会有更好的生活,而这可能确实如此,但在美国,却不再是如此了。

EN: The average income in China since the late 1970s has increased by 800%. 800% is huge. But the income of the richest 1% increased by 2000%. So it is a country that is growing, but this growth is highly unequal.
CN: 自70年代末以来,中国的平均收入,增长了800%,800%相当巨大,然而最富有的1%的收入增长了2000%,所以这确实是一个正在发展的国家,但这种发展却是高度不平等的。

EN: Which is ironic, because societies that are more unequal have less social mobility. The rungs of the ladder grow apart, people have the money to make sure they stay at the top, and it means it's harder for people to climb.
CN: 讽刺的是,社会越不平等,阶层流动性就越差,向上的阶梯间距越拉越大,一些人有钱确保自己呆在顶层,也就意味着另一些人更难往上爬。

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