Black Panther Wakanda Forever by Andre M Barnett

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Original Title)

After the unfortunate death of King Tchalla, Surya, Okye, Queen Ramada and others fought to protect Wakanda, and the Wakandans struggled to meet their new chapter, they must unite with the help of Najia and Agent Rose to open a new path for the Kingdom of Wakanda.


EN: My brother is dead. But it doesn't mean the black panther is gone.
CN: 我哥死了,不代表没有黑豹。

EN: You perform civility here. But we know what you whisper in your halls of leadership and in your military facilities. "The king is dead. The black panther is gone. They have lost their protector. Now is our time...To strike."
CN: 各位在此一副文明有礼的模样,但我们知道你们的领袖与军事单位窃窃私语,“国王已死,黑豹已亡,他们失去了守护者,我们进攻的时刻终于到了”。

EN: You need to sit here with me. And with yourself. It is the only way you are going to heal from the wound caused by t'challa's death.
CN: 你得陪我一起沉思,静下心来,唯有如此才能疗愈帝查拉之死带来的创伤。

EN: I found your brother in the breeze, pushing me gently, but firm. Like his hand on my shoulder.
CN: 我发现你哥在微风中,温柔而坚定地推着我,他的手彷佛搭在我肩上。

EN: If I sit and think about my brother for too long, it won't be these clothes I'll burn. It will be the world...And everyone in it.
CN: 如果我坐着,想念哥太久,我会烧的就不是这些衣服,而是这个世界,和其中的每个人。

EN: That is some supervillain shit right there. That's in every movie. Princess Leia. Belle from beauty and the beast. That white chick from Indiana Jones.
CN: 那衣服有诈,电影都这样演,莉亚公主、《美女与野兽》的贝儿、《印第安纳琼斯》那个白人女孩。

EN: A Spanish man of faith cursed me. As he died by my hand, he called me...The child without love. And I took my name from there. "Namor." Because I have no love for the surface world.
CN: 一个西班牙教士咒骂我,死在我的手下之前,他称呼我…你是个缺少爱的孩子,我的名字就是这么来的,纳摩,因为我对陆地没有爱。

EN: My ancestors would often say, "only the most broken people can be great leaders."
CN: 我的祖先常说“受过最大苦难者才能成为伟大领袖”。

EN: T'challa was too noble. He let the man who murdered your father live. And here you stand. Are you gonna be noble like your brother or take care of business...Like me?
CN: 帝查拉太高尚了,他让杀父凶手活命,而你站在这里,你要像你哥一样高尚,还是像我一样解决问题?

EN: If you go to war for vengeance, it will not fill the hole left from her loss. It will only grow larger, and it will consume you.
CN: 如果你为了复仇而战,填补不了失去她所留下的空缺,它只会变得更大,最后会吞噬你。

EN: Wakanda forever!
CN: 瓦坎达万岁!

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