Wings of Desire


Der Himmel über Berlin (Original Title)



When the child was a walked with its arms swinging. It wanted the stream to be a river...the river a torrent...and this puddle to be the sea. When the child was a didn't know it was a child. Everything was full of life...and all life was one. When the child was a had no opinion about anything. It had no habits. It often sat cross-legged, took off running...had a cowlick in its hair...and didn't pull a face when photographed. Look! The consolation of lifting one's head out here in the open...the consolation of seeing the color...enlightened through the sun in all men's eyes. At last mad, at last no longer alone! At last mad, at last redeemed! At last mad, at last at peace!

When the child was a woke up once in a strange bed...and now time and time again. Many people seemed beautiful then...but not so many anymore, only if it's lucky. It had a precise picture of Paradise...and now can only guess at it. It couldn't imagine nothingness...and today shudders at the idea. When the child was a played with enthusiasm...and now with such involvement...only when it concerns its work.

When the child was a was the time of these questions. Why am I me...and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell...just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist...and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I...wasn't before I was...and that sometime I, the one I longer will be the one I am?

When the child was a child. it lived on apples and bread, that was enough. And it is still that way. When the child was a child...berries fell only like berries into its hand...and they still do now. Fresh walnuts made its tongue raw...and they still do now. Atop each mountain, it was longing...for a higher mountain. And in each city, it was longing...for a bigger city...and it still does. Reached in the treetop for the it still is. Was front of strangers. And it still is. Waited for the first snow...and still waits that way. When the child was a threw a stick, like a lance, into a tree. And it's still quivering there today.

在44号邮局,一个想在当日终结自己生命的男人,把集邮者的邮票,贴在他的遗书上,每一份上面贴的都不同,然后他用英语,对一名美国士兵说话...这是他离开学校后,第一次流利地开口说英语,一个在普罗真斯的在押犯人,对着墙猛撞头,说, "现在"。
On the Lilienthaler Chaussee, a man walks slowly...and looks over his shoulder into space. At Post Office 44, someone who wants to put an end to it today...has stuck collectors' stamps on his farewell letters. A different one on each. Then he spoke English with an American soldier... for the first time since his schooldays, very fluently. A prisoner at Plötzensee...just before dashing his head against the wall...said, "Now!"

It's great to live by the spirit, to testify day by day...for eternity, only what's spiritual in people's minds. But sometimes I'm fed up with my spiritual existence. Instead of forever hovering above...I'd like to feel a weight grow in end the infinity and to tie me to earth. I'd like, at each step, each gust of wind, to be able to say "now." "Now and now"...and no longer "forever" and "for eternity."

To sit at the empty place at a card table...and be greeted, even by a nod. Every time we participated, it was a pretense. Wrestling with one...allowing a hip to be put out in pretense...catching a fish in pretense sitting at tables...drinking and eating in pretense. Having lambs roasted and wine...served in the tents out there in the desert, only in pretense.

We can only be savages in as much as we keep serious. Do no more than look! Assemble, testify, preserve! Remain spirit! Keep your distance. Keep your word.

The storyteller...who has been thrust to the edge of the world...both an infant and an ancient...and through him reveal everyman. With time... those who listened to me became my readers. They no longer sit in a circle...but rather sit apart...and one doesn't know anything about the other.

I waited an hear a loving word. Then I went abroad. Someone who'd say, "I love you so much today." That would be wonderful. I just lift my head...and the world appears before my eyes...and fills my heart. As a child...I wanted to live on an island. A woman alone, gloriously alone. That's it. Emptied, incompatible. Fear.

The spots of the first drops of rain. The sun. The bread and wine. Hopping. Easter. The veins of leaves. The blowing grass. The color of stones. The pebbles on the stream's bed. The white tablecloth outdoors. The dream of the house in the house. The dear one asleep in the next room. The peaceful Sundays. The horizon. The light from the room in the garden. The night flight. Riding a bicycle with no hands. The beautiful stranger. My father. My mother. My wife. My child. The world seems to be sinking into dusk...

Every proprietor, or even tenant...sticks up his nameplate like a coat of arms...and studies the morning paper as if he were a world leader. The German people have divided into as many states as there are individuals. And these small states are mobile. Each one takes his own with him...and demands a toll when another wants to enter. A fly caught in amber, or a leather bottle. So much for the border. But one can only enter each state with the password. The present-day German soul can only be conquered and he who arrives at each small state with the password. Fortunately, no one now has that power. So everyone migrates...and raises his own flag all over the world. Their children already shake their rattles...and trail their filth around them in circles.

"Why, if I didn't have it, I'd miss it"...said the general to the whore, Thewhore also said this to the general.

History had not yet begun. We let both mornings and evenings go by, and we waited. It was a long time before the river found its bed...and the stagnant water began to flow. Valley of the primeval river. One day, I still remember...the glacier melted, and the icebergs drifted to the north. A tree passed by, still green, with an empty bird's nest. Over myriad years, only the fish had leapt. Then came the moment when the swarm of bees drowned. Some time later, the two stags fought on this bank. Then the cloud of flies...and the antlers, like branches, flowing down the river. All that ever grew again was the grass...growing over the bodies of wild cats, of wild boar, and buffalos. Do you remember, one, out of the savanna, its forehead smeared with grass...appeared the biped, our image, so long awaited. And its first word was a shout. Was it "ah" or "oh"...or was it merely a groan? We were at last able to laugh for the first time...and through this man's shout and the call of his followers...we learned to speak.

I couldn't say who I am, I haven't the slightest idea. I'm someone with no story, no country. And I like it that way. I'm here, I'm free. I can imagine anything. It's all possible. I only have to raise my eyes...and once again, I become the world. this very place...a feeling of happiness...that I could always have.

I was never lonely...neither when I was alone, nor with others. But I would have liked to be alone at last. Loneliness means I'm finally whole. Now I can say tonight, I'm at last alone. I must put an end to coincidence. The new moon of decision. I don't know if there's destiny...but there's a decision.

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