

Vertigo (Original Title)

Following his early retirement as a detective from the San Francisco Police Department, John Ferguson - Scottie to his friends - becomes obsessed with two women in succession, those obsessions which trouble his long time friend and former fiancée, Midge Wood, a designer of women's undergarments.


1、Now suppose I'm sitting in this chair, behind the desk. Here's the desk. And a pencil falls from the desk down to the fioor, And I reach down to pick up the pencil. Bingo! My acrophobia's back.

2、I'm responsible for you now. You know, the Chinese say that once you've saved a person's life, You're responsible for it forever, so I'm committed. I have to know. There's so little that I know. It's as though I were walking down a long corridor That once was mirrored, and fragments of that mirror still hang there. 
And when I come to the end of the corridor, There's nothing but darkness. And I know that when I walk into the darkness, That I'll die. I've never come to the end. I've always come back before then.

3、I made the mistake. I fell in love. That wasn't part of the plan. I'm still in love with you, and I want you so to love me. If I had the nerve, I'd stay and lie, Hoping that I could make you love me again As I am for myself. And so forget the other and forget the past. But I don't know whether I have the nerve to try.

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