Turning Red

Turning Red 

Turning Red (Original Title)

Xiao Mei, a 13-year-old Chinese-American girl in her adolescence, transforms into a giant red panda when she is excited or stressed out. How much trouble will this wonderful superpower bring to her growing up?


Quotes from Ming:

People have all kinds of sides to them, Mei. And some sides are messy. The point isn't to push the bad stuff away, it's to make room for it, live with it.

I see you, Mei-Mei. You try to make everyone happy, but are so hard on yourself. And if I taught you that...I'm sorry. So, don't hold back. For anyone. The farther you go, the prouder I'll be.

There is a darkness to the panda, Mei-Mei.

Sleep tight. Red is a lucky color.

Quotes from Meimei:

Tomorrow, we are walking into that concert girls and coming out women. Literally goosebumps.

The panda's a part of me, and you guys are too.

All about that hustle, am I right?

Ready to change the world? Let's burn this place to the ground!

We've all got an inner beast. We've all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away. And a lot of us never let it out. But I did.

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