EN: He wanted you to enter this industry where you earn only 1/3 of the women, where you constantly have to maneuver homosexual men who want to sleep with you?
CN: 即便你只能拿到女模特三分之一的薪水,还得经常跟想睡你的男同性恋周旋,他也支持你进入这个行业吗?
EN: Well, smiley brands are the cheap ones, and the more expensive the brand gets, you start to look down on your consumer. Like, if you want to be a part of this "von oben" one-man in-crowd, you have to show us some serious cash. And if you get the job, you will get to wear exclusive clothing, and look down on your consumer.
CN: 笑脸品牌就是那些廉价服装品牌,衣服越贵,表情就要越瞧不起消费者,如果你想要在人群中看起来高高在上,就要展现出实实在在的贵气,如果你面试成功了,你就可以穿着高定服饰,藐视你的顾客了。
EN: I'm a model, honey, the only way for me to get out of this life is to become someone's trophy wife.
CN: 我是个模特,亲爱的,而让我摆脱这种生活的唯一办法,就是成为别人的花瓶老婆。
EN: Do you know what people regret on their deathbed? That they were working too much, seven out of ten people regret throwing away their lives on stupid and pointless jobs.
CN: 你知道人临终时最后悔的是什么吗?他们会后悔自己花太多时间工作了,十个人里有七个是这样,把自己全身心投入到愚蠢又无意义的工作中。
EN: I have a joke. Do you know how to tell a communist? It's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And do you know how to tell an anti-communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
CN: 我来讲个笑话,你知道怎样认出一个共产主义者吗?看他有没有读过有关马克思和列宁作品。那你知道怎样认出一个反共产主义者吗?看他能不能能理解马克思和列宁。
EN: "The last capitalist we hang will be the one who sold us the rope." Karl Marx.
CN: 我们都要绞死资本家了,他们还会把绳子卖给我们。卡尔·马克思说的。
EN: A Russian capitalist, and an American communist. On a $250-million luxury yacht.
CN: 我是俄罗斯的资本主义者,而你是美国的共产主义者,一起搭乘价值2.5亿美元的豪华游艇。
EN: I am not a communist. I'm a Marxist.
CN: 我不是共产主义者,我是马克思主义者。
EN: I'm not angry with you, it's like Karl Marx said:"Anything human is not alien to me. " And I understand that your greedy behavior is just the result of your position in a financial hierarchy. That you're rich. That you're filthy rich. But you can't be rich, and expect the rest of the world to be poor.
CN: 我没生你气,就像卡尔·马克思说的“人类所固有的东西我都具备”,而且我理解你的贪婪行径是由于你在金融的金字塔中身处高位,你很有钱,你可太有钱了,但你不能自己有钱,就想让世界上的其他人都没钱。
EN: And while you're swimming in abundance, the rest of the world is drowning in misery. That's not the way it's meant to be. And I know you have a good heart in there, somewhere. You filthy, capitalist, Russian pig. You have a good heart. You're not just a crazy Russian... shit seller. I'm not a great... Hey! I'm not a great...Sosh... I'm a shit sho...I'm a shit sho... I'm a shit socialist. Because I have too much. I have too much abundance in my life. I'm not... I'm not even...I... I'm not a worthy socialist. I'm a shit shoshialist.
CN: 当你畅享富裕的生活时,世界上其他地方都处在水深火热之中,本不该是这样的,我知道你还是有善心的,你这个富得流油的俄罗斯守财奴,你的心很好,你不仅仅是一个俄罗斯疯子,狗屁商人,我不是优秀的,嘿,我不是优秀的社费,我是狗屁色,我是他大爷的社会主义者,因为我拥有得太多了,我的生活实在是什么也不缺了,我甚至不是一个好的社会主义者,我是该死的“色费主义”者。
EN: How people perceive themselves is nothing that interests me. There are very few that are gonna look in the mirror and say: "The person I see is a savage monster." Instead, they make up some construction that justifies what they do. And there it is. You're rich, so you're a philanthropist, so you can cure your conscience for not paying enough in tax. Not contributing enough to society.
CN: 我并不在意人们如何看待自己,很少有人会照着镜子说“我看到的这个人是野蛮的怪物”,相反他们编造一些说辞来为所做的事辩解,就是那样,你很有钱,所以你当慈善家,然后就可以在漏税的时候抚慰自己的良心,社会贡献不足。
EN: My government murdered Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Bobby Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy. My government overthrew good, honest, democratic leaders of the people in Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and Bolivia. Along with Britain, we carved up the Middle East, creating artificial geographical boundaries and installing puppet dictators. War itself became our most lucrative industry. Every bomb that's dropped, somebody makes a million dollars. You don't have to know where those bombs are exploding. You don't have to see the grieving mothers and the mangled bodies of their children. Eugene Debs gave this speech in Canton, Ohio, in 1918: "Throughout history wars have been waged for conquest and plunder. The master class has always declared the wars. The subject class has always fought...They've taught you to believe it to be your patriotic duty to go to war and to have yourselves slaughtered at their command."
CN: 我的政府谋杀了马丁·路德·金、马尔科姆·艾克斯、罗伯特·肯尼迪还有约翰·F·肯尼迪,我的政府推翻了善良、诚实、民主的智利、委内瑞拉、阿根廷、秘鲁、萨尔瓦多 尼加拉瓜、巴拿马和玻利维亚的人民领导人,我们和英国瓜分了中东,人为划定了地图的边界,安插了独裁的傀儡,战争本身就成了我们最赚钱的产业,每投一个炸弹 就有人获利百万美元,你不用知道那些炸弹是在哪炸的,你不用看到悲痛的母亲,和她们孩子残缺的尸体。1918年 尤金·德布斯在俄亥俄州坎顿市发表演讲时说,“纵观历史,战争从来都是为了征服和掠夺而发动的,上层阶级总是挑起战争,而参战的却一直是下层阶级,他们义正言辞让你相信,在他们的命令下参战而后被屠杀,就履行了爱国义务。”
EN: Who am I? In the yacht, cleaning lady. Here, captain.
CN: 我是谁?在游艇上,我是打扫卫生的,在这里,我是船长。
EN: Really impressed by everything you're doing here. I mean, you managed to run a fucking matriarchy, Abigail. You domesticated all the old alpha males.
CN: 你在这做的事都很令我惊叹,你居然能建立起一整个母系社会,阿比盖尔,那些倔老头都被你治得服服帖帖。