Tora! Tora! Tora!

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Tora! Tora! Tora! (Original Title)

The film shows the history of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. When the American army intervened in the Pacific, the Japanese army's top general, Isoroku Yamamoto, thought that the American army was too strong to fight quickly and that it was not advisable to fight a long war with the Americans. The film also shows the Japanese army's involvement in the Pacific war.


EN: That damn ocean is a swimming hole compared to the Pacific. What are we, a fighting fleet, or are these toy boats out the Japs can buy them at Christmas?
CN: 大西洋和太平洋比起来根本只是游泳池,我们到底是战舰还是给日本鬼子玩的玩具船?好让日本鬼子可以买去当圣诞节礼物?

EN: Anything that floats can be sunk! The "unsinkable" ship is a myth.
CN: 所有浮在水面上的东西都会沉没,没有〝永不沉没〞这种事。

EN: The Emperor recently read a poem to his Ministers to show how he feels. "If all people are brethren...then why are the winds and the waves so restless?". "If all people are brethren...then why are the winds and the waves so restless?". This clearly shows how much the Emperor wants to avoid a war.
CN: 天皇只对首长们念了一首诗,〝如果四海之内皆兄弟,那为什么外面的风雨总不停?〞,〝如果四海之内皆兄弟,那为什么外面的风雨总不停?〞,这表示天皇多不想打仗。

EN: Many misinformed Japanese...believe that America is a nation divided, isolationist...and that Americans are only enjoying a life of luxury...and are spiritually and morally corrupt. But that is a great mistake. If war becomes inevitable. America would be the most formidable foe that we have ever fought.
CN: 许多不明究理的日本人,以为美国人的民主政治是缺乏统一的政治,以为美国人开朗,生活态度奢华,崇尚自由的精神导致道德的败坏,这是一个极大的误解,如果两国发生战争,美国将是日本所遭遇过的最强敌人。

EN: They are eager because they do not know the taste of battle.
CN: 每个人都跃跃欲试,因为他们不知道战争的滋味。

EN: Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!", "Tora! Tora! Tora!"
CN: 发出信号!〝虎!虎!虎!〞,〝虎!虎!虎!〞。

EN: In all my 50 years of public service...I have never seen a document so crowded with infamous falsehoods and distortions on a scale so huge that I never imagined until today that any government on this planet...was capable of uttering them.
CN: 在我从事公职的五十年里,我从没看过一份文件有这么多无耻谎言,对事实的扭曲到如此程度,我无法想象…至今世上有什么样的政府能够执行它。

EN: I can't imagine anything...that would infuriate the Americans more. I fear all we have to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
CN: 从美国人的国民性格来看,那只会让他们更愤怒,我担忧我们所做的…只会让沈睡中的强敌苏醒,并且决心参战到底。

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