
To Live

活着 (Original Title)

Adapted from Yu Hua's original novel. Fugui and Jiazhen endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. Addicted to gambling, Fugui loses everything. In the years that follow he is pressed into both the nationalist and communist armies, while Jiazhen is forced into menial work. They raise a family and survive, managing "to live" from the 40's to the 70's in this epic, but personal, story of life through an amazing period.


Quotes from Fugui:

I have to go back alive. There's nothing like family.

We've been through the valley of death. Coming out alive wasn't easy.

- Xiao’er: You've lost again.
- Fugui: I've run up a pile of debts lately, but my calligraphy's improving.
- 福贵少爷,您又输了...
- 这一阵子账欠了不少,字也练得大有长进。

- Town Chief: It burnt for days. Your timber was first class! 
- Fugui: That wasn't ours. It was counterrevolutionary timber.
- 大火烧了好几天好几夜,你们家的木头可真好
- 那不是我们家的木头,那是反革命的木头。

- Fugui: If Youqing does as daddy says...our lives will get better and better. Our like a little chicken. When it grows up, it becomes a goose. And that'll turn into a sheep. The sheep will turn into an ox. 
- Youqing: And after the ox? 
- Fugui: After the ox is Communism. And there'll be dumplings and meat every day.
- 有庆要是听爹的话呀 咱们的日子就越来越好,你看啊 咱们家现在也就是一只小鸡,鸡养大了就变成了鹅,鹅养大了就变成了一只羊,羊再养大了就变成了牛啦
- 牛以后呢?
- 牛以后就是共产主义啦!就天天吃饺子 天天吃肉了。

Quotes from others:

Jiazhen: I'm not asking much. Only to live a quiet life together.

Long'er: Since the ancient times, everyone is to save the emergency not to save the poor.

Town Chief: You are less politically aware than your son. It's enough for two bullets. We are just two bullets short of liberating Taiwan. 

Town Chief: We've made enough steel for three cannon balls. They'll all go to Taiwan! One to land on Chiang Kai-shek's bed...another on his dinner table...and the last in the toilet! He won't be able to sleep or eat or ever take a dump...and we'll liberate Taiwan! 

Wan Erxi: This is the same Wang Bin who once and my wife, saying she wasn't fit to reproduce. How vile can you get? We dragged him here educate him, to criticize him...and to let him witness her giving birth. To show him the heirs of this new, Red world.
就是这个王斌当年在这所医院里,污蔑我们工人阶级的妻子,生理有缺陷,不能生育,是可忍 孰不可忍,今天我们把他揪来就是要用铁的事实来教育他、批判他,让他看着我们工人阶级生孩子 让他看着我们红色江山后继有人。

- Go ask where the doctors are. We must find a good doctor. 
- Where to find a doctor ah, doctors are locked up in the cowshed, the hospital has been taken over by the Red Guards of the nursing school.
- 那你得去问问大夫在哪儿,咱得给凤霞找个好大夫 
- 哪找大夫呀,都关牛棚了,这早被护士学校的红卫兵小将夺权了。

- Comrade, are there any doctors?
- Yes, us!
- I mean, older ones.
- They're all reactionaries. We've overthrown them.
- 同志,你们妇产科有没有大夫
- 我们就是呀
- 我是说老一点的
- 老的呀,那都是反动,学术权威都被打倒了。

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