The Woman on the Beach

The Woman on the Beach

The Woman on the Beach (Original Title)

Woman on the Beach is a controversial film noir, an intense psychological drama about the world�s leading artist, recently blinded, who is obsessed with his condition and takes out his frustrations on his beautiful wife. A Coast Guard officer, recuperating from injuries suffered during the war, is drawn into their quiet conflict, and they become locked in an odd symbiotic relat...


EN: One place is pretty much like another to me. They all have a dark velvety hue.
CN: 对我来说,所有的地方都一样,它们都蒙着黑色的纱布。

EN: You see, lieutenant, I lose my sense of direction in the rain. Usually, I compensate for my eyes with many things...The feel of the wind, the sun on my face, the earth under my feet.
CN: 下雨让我失去了方向感,我用其他的东西来代替视觉,风,阳光,我脚下的土地。

EN: Tod's lying when he says he likes fishing or anything else. There's only one thing in the world that interests him, and that's me.
CN: 托德说他喜欢钓鱼的时候是在撒谎,这个世界上他唯一感兴趣的东西,是我。

EN: We lived in a sort of strange state of excitement...Always off balance, high-pitched, tense...Always just at the breaking point. When tod's drunk, there's no telling how he'll react. He can be unbelievably fierce and brutal or...Tender. Too tender. It was one of those nights I hit him. There was broken glass. Well, there it is...And here we are... you and I. He's blind, and I...
CN: 我们曾经非常舒适的生活在一起,我们一直很幸福,我们过度了,当他喝醉的时候他什么事都做的出来,他可以变的令人难以想象的残暴和恶毒,或者温顺,非常温顺,有天晚上,我打他,用一个酒杯,就这样就成了现在的样子,你和我…他是瞎子…

EN: Now that I can't paint anymore, this stuff of mine gets more valuable every day. There's an old saying in my trade: "A man never gets rich until he's dead." I assure you, a blind painter's just the same as a dead one.
CN: 因为我再也不能画了,我的画也变得值钱,在我的职业中有一句谚语:“死能带来富裕”,一个失明的画家就像个死人。

EN: There's nothing to understand. Hasn't anything to do with the brain. It's the eye. A painting's like a woman. She either thrills you or she doesn't.
CN: 没有什么难理解的,不是大脑而是眼睛在评判,就像一个女人会让你兴奋,或者不兴奋。

EN: The theory that man is inherently good is bunk, pure bunk. Each individual possesses a split personality.
CN: 人性本善的理论是胡说八道,纯属胡说八道,每个人都有双重人格。

EN: Peg, I've never been able to make you understand that those paintings are my eyes. Everything I saw in life, I set down on canvas.
CN: 你从来没有理解,画就是我的眼睛,生活给予我所看到的,我都记在画布上。

EN: No one who can see can say that to you. Peg, you're so beautiful. So beautiful outside, so rotten inside. You're no angel. That's why we're so right for each other.
CN: 没有人会对你说这些,外表很美,内心腐朽,你不是天使,就因为这点我们很相配。

EN: And Peggy's free. I clung to her as I did to the paintings, to the past. I made her live in it with me. I had no right to do that. Peggy...Take me to the car, peg. You can drive me to New York, and then you can do as you please.
CN: 佩吉自由了,我抓着她就像抓着一堆画,就像抓着过去,我使她生活在过去中,我不能这样,带我上汽车,佩吉,带我去纽约,然后,你就自由了。

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