The Whale

The Whale (Original Title)

影片改编自Samuel D. Hunter创作的同名戏剧,讲述在爱达荷州乡村一个破旧的公寓里,重达272公斤的英语教师查理隐居避世,固执、坚决地要把自己吃死。查理在中年时期为了同性情人抛弃家人,但情人过世后因为悲伤和内疚暴饮暴食,并且尝试与17岁的女儿艾莉修复关系。


I don't think I believe anyone can save anyone.

Being in debt is better than being dead.

动手吧 有什么用?我的内脏起码有两尺厚。
Go ahead, what's it gonna do? My internal organs are two feet in, at least.

Everyone is insane when they're a teenager.

It's overwritten, and dumb, and repetitive. And even though he thinks his metaphor of I is deep, it's actually just a bunch of bullshit. And, in reality, he's just some worthless 19th century faggot.

What I don't like about religion is that when people accept Jesus or whatever, they suddenly think that they're better than everyone else. By accepting the fact that they're stupid sinners, somehow they've become better, and they turn into assholes.

I read the Bible. I thought it was devastating. God creates us, expels us from paradise. We wander around for thousands of years killing each other, before He comes back and saves 144,000 of us. Meanwhile, seven- and-a-half billion of us fall into hell. Yeah.

I know this is fun for you. You get to travel around, act superior than everyone else, and eventually, you go home, get some boring job, have too many kids. It's God's plan. But there are other types of people. People like Charlie, for whom this amazing plan doesn't fit. So, just stay away from him. He doesn't need this right now.

I understand that you're angry, you don't have to be angry at the whole world. You can just be angry at me.

I'm glad, because you taught me something very important. People are assholes. Most people learn that way too late. You... You taught me that when I was eight.

You all wrote these amazing, honest things,'ve been so honest with me that I......I just want to be...honest with you, too. These assignments don't matter. This course doesn't matter. College doesn't matter. These amazing, honest things that you wrote, they matter.

This essay is amazing. This essay is you. You're the best thing I have ever done.

In the first part of his book, the author, calling himself Ishmael, is in a small seaside town and he is sharing a bed with a man named Queequeg. The author and Queequeg go to church, and later, they set out on a ship captained by the pirate named Ahab, who is missing a leg, and very much wants to kill the whale which is named Moby Dick, and which is white. In the course of the book, the pirate Ahab encounters many hardships. His entire life is set around trying to kill a certain whale. I think this is sad because the whale doesn't have any emotions. He's just a poor, big animal. And I feel bad for Ahab as well...because he thinks that his life will be better if he can just kill this whale. But in reality, it won't help him at all. This book made me think about my own life. This book made me think about my own life.

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