The Theory of Everything by Liza Shumskaya

The Theory of Everything

The Theory of Everything (Original Title)

A biopic of Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking and Jane met at a ball, where they first met and had a good conversation. The pair then dared to ask Jane to the ball and fell in love, but unfortunately a coma led to the diagnosis of a rare form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and doctors said he only had two years to live.


EN: When stars are born and when they die, they emit UV radiation. So, if we could see the night sky in ultraviolet light, then almost all the stars would disappear and all that we would see are these spectacular births and deaths.
CN: 恒星诞生和毁灭时会辐射出紫外线,如果只能看到夜空里的紫外线,现在的星星就都不见了,只剩下恒星壮丽的诞生和毁灭。

EN: "Seek, then, No learning from starry men, Who follow with the optic glass. The whirling ways of stars that pass."
CN: "不要在天文学家那找寻知识,他们只是用望远镜,追随恒星纷飞的路径"

EN: To prove, with a single equation, that time had a beginning. Wouldn't that be nice, Professor? With one simple elegant equation to explain everything?
CN: 用一个方程证明时间是有起点的,是不是很棒,教授?一个简单、优美的方程来解释万物。

EN: "Work" Was the worst four- letter word for Stephen. Even at Oxford, especially, he averaged an hour, an HOUR a day he averaged.
CN: "努力"是霍金最讨厌的词,甚至在牛津,他平均每天只学习一个小时,一个小时。

EN: First a star vanishes into a black hole, but then the black hole itself vanishes...Gone! Nothing! From nothing to nothing.
CN: 首先,恒星消失,坍缩成黑洞,然后黑洞也消失了,消失,虚无,从虚无到虚无。

EN: What one believes is irrelevant...irrelevant in physics.
CN: 在物理学里,人信仰什么是...是不重要的,

EN: Stephen is looking for a single theory that explains all the forces in the universe. Therefore, God must die.
CN: 斯蒂芬想找到一个理论,来解释宇宙中的一切,这样上帝就必须死。

EN: Einstein hated peas. Quantum Theory, he said, "God doesn't play dice with the universe." Seems he not only plays the dice, but he throws them where we can't find them.
CN: 爱因斯坦讨厌豌豆,也就是量子论,他说"上帝不掷骰子",可是他不仅玩骰子,还扔到了我们看不到的地方。

EN: What is the nature of time? Will it ever come to an end? Can we go back in time? Some day these answers may seem as obvious to us as the Earth orbiting the sun, or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises. Only time, whatever that may be, will tell.
CN: 时间的本质是什么?时间有没有尽头?我们能不能回到过去?也许未来这些问题会变得像地球绕着太阳转一样平常,抑或如乌龟塔般荒谬,唯有时间,不管它是什么,才能给我们答案。

EN: It is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates, on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star, in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies...But, ever since the dawn of civilization, people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world. There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe. And what can be more special than that there is no boundary?
CN: 我们人类也不过是高级灵长类动物,生活在一颗小星球上,绕着一颗普通的恒星转,我们生活的银河系之外还有上亿个星系,然而自人类文明诞生以来,人们就没有停止过,对世界根本规律的探索,宇宙的边界是什么,肯定有个特别的答案,但是还有比没有边界更特别的答案吗?

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