1、Sometimes you have to ignore the rules and concentrate on the people. The people, compassion. That's the foundation of this country.
2、I had a small tobacco shop in Madras. Made just enough money to survive. One day this policeman comes in and tells me I owe him some tax. I said OK. This is common. So I pay him. The next day, the same policeman come and keep coming and keep coming.
And I am paying and I'm paying him and I'm paying him and I'm paying him. And finally, on the fifth day, I take a knife and I stab him in his chest.
3、I'm so used to guys trying to grab my ass at 30,000 feet that when I meet somebody that doesn't. I don't know how to react.
4、You know what Napoleon gave Josephine as a wedding present? It was a gold locket. And on the inside, he made an inscription. "Destiny".