The Reader

The Reader

The Reader (Original Title)

Fifteen-year-old Mischa Berg meets Hanna, a mysterious 36-year-old female train conductor, and the two later develop a secret lover's relationship, in which Hanna loves to lie in Mischa's arms and listen to Mischa read to him, always lost in the sound of her reading. While young Mischa indulges in this relationship, he realises that he doesn't know Hannah at all. Suddenly, one day, the mysterious woman leaves without saying goodbye and Mischa, after a brief moment of confusion and sadness, begins a new life.


EN: I sat in the second carriage because I thought you might kiss me.
CN: 我坐第二节车厢是因为...我以为你会吻我。

EN: We're changing the order we do things. Read to me first, kid. Then we make love.
CN: 我们要改变顺序,先为我朗读,然后再做爱。

EN: Well, I have learned, kid. I've learned to read.
CN: 我学会了一件事,小子,我学会了阅读。

EN: My advice? Go to the theater if you want catharsis. Please. Go to literature. Don't go to the camps.
CN: 如果想洗涤心灵,我建议你去看舞台剧,或是去看文学钜作,千万不要去集中营。

EN: Everyone believes Homer's subject is homecoming. In fact, The Odyssey is a book about a journey. Home is a place you dream of.
CN: 大家都认为这是荷马的返乡之旅,但其实《奥德赛》是一场冒险之旅,家只是你梦想的地方。

EN: It just happens to be my birthday. It's my birthday, that's all! In fact, you've never even asked when it is.
CN: 今天正好是我生日,只不过是我的生日,你从没问过我哪一天生日。

EN: Societies think they operate by something called morality, but they don't. They operate by something called law.
CN: 大家都觉得社会是靠道德运作,其实不然,是靠法律这玩意。

EN: "Oi men ippeon stroton oi de pesedon ego de ken otto tis eratai."
CN: "你的内心所爱,既是人间至美"

EN: "Lady Chatterley felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment, he was still inside her..."
CN: "当他进入她的肉体时,查泰莱夫人感觉到...他赤裸的肌肤紧贴着她,他在她里面待了一阵子..."

EN: "I poked into the place a ways, encountered a little open patch as big as a bedroom, all hung around with vines, and found a man lying there asleep. And, by jings, it was my old Jim. 'When you landed, I reckoned I could catch up with you on the land without having to shout at you. But when I see that house, I begin to go slow.'"
CN: "我戳穿了一个洞,钻进一个和卧室一样大的房间,到处都倒挂着藤蔓,有一个人在藤蔓上面睡觉,我的天呐,原来是我的老友吉姆,你落地后我就想...我要追上你,对你大喊",不过我看到那房子就慢下来了"

EN: "The talk was that a new face had appeared on the promenade, a lady with a little dog. Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov had already spent two weeks in Yalta, so he was bored with it and always looking for fresh faces. Sitting in the pavilion at Vernet, he saw a young woman walking on the seafront. A fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a beret; a white Pomeranian dog was running behind her..."
CN: "最新八卦是路上出现新脸孔,一个牵小狗的女人,狄米崔·古洛夫在雅尔达待了两周,早就感到厌倦,想看到新脸孔,他坐在维尔奈饭店大厅,看到一个在海边散步的年轻女子,中等身材,浅发,戴着贝雷帽,一只白色的博美犬跑在她后面..."

"I'm not frightened.
I'm not frightened of anything.
The more I suffer, the more I love.
Danger will only increase my love.
It will sharpen it. It will give it spice.
I'll be the only angel you need.
You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.
Heaven will take you back and look at you and say,
'Only one thing can make a soul complete, and that thing is love.'"
我的痛苦愈多 爱得愈多
它让爱更坚固 忘却爱的偏见
你将重返天国 上帝看着你说: 

"Sing to me of the Man, Muse
The Man of twists and turns
Driven time and again off course
Once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy...
to the house of death. But they held fast in place,
hoping that others might still come.
Shades of famous heroes, men who died in the old days
and ghosts of an even older age, I long to see.
Come, sheathe your sword, let's go to bed together.
Mount my bed and mix in the magic work of love.
We'll breed deep trust between us.
Not for all the world, not until you consent to swear, goddess,
a blinding oath you'll never plot some new intrigue to harm me.
Straightaway, she began to swear the oath that I required.
Never, she would never do me harm.
And when she'd finished then, at last,
I mounted Circe's gorgeous bed.
When young Dawn, with her rose-red fingers shone once more,
they yoked their pair again,
and out through the gates and echoing colonnade,
they whipped the team to a run and on they flew,
holding nothing back, and the princes reached the wheatlands...
those purebred stallions...
as the sun sank...
is my beginning.
Truly, and I have to confess, I am jealous.
It's true, till now...
Perfectly astonishing. I've always said it was all tricks,
but he went to sleep under my very eyes.
He lifted a large newspaper from the table and began stamping his feet
and flourishing the newspaper to drive Gregor back into his room.
Zhivago... even a cake, rather like a Baba au Rhum known as a Zhivago bun.
At one time you only had to say to your sleigh driver in Moscow,
'Zhivago's.' And, rather as if you had said..."
伟大的英雄 去世的伟人
磨利你的宝剑 让我们上床吧
快上我的床 施展爱的魔力
我绝不屈服 直到你发誓
发一个毒誓 你绝不会阴谋伤害我
不但疾奔 几乎飞行

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