The Power of the Dog

The Power of the Dog

The Power of the Dog (Original Title)

Severe, pale-eyed, handsome, Phil Burbank is brutally beguiling. All of Phil's romance, power and fragility is trapped in the past and in the land: He can castrate a bull calf with two swift slashes of his knife; he swims naked in the river, smearing his body with mud. He is a cowboy as raw as his hides. The year is 1925. The Burbank brothers are wealthy ranchers in Montana. At the Red Mill restaurant on their way to market, the brothers meet Rose, the widowed proprietress, and her impressionable son Peter...


1、That's damn kind of you, Pete. Tell you something. Everything's gonna be plain sailing for you from now on in. And you know what? I'm gonna work. Finish up that rope tonight.

2、- Know what we should do?
- What's that?
- Go camping again in the mountains and shoot ourselves some fresh elk liver. Cook it right there on the coals like Bronco Henry taught us. 

3、I wanted to say how nice it is not to be alone.

4、I'm gonna finish this rope and give it to you and teach you how to use it. Sort of a lonesome place out here, Pete. Unless you get in the swing of things.

5、Just by sitting there, you're soaking up all the riding know-how you'll ever need and then some. That saddle belonged to Bronco Henry.

6、- Bronco Henry told me that…a man was made by patience and the odds against him.
- My father said…obstacles. And you had to try and remove them.
- Another way to put it. Well, you've certainly got obstacles. That's a fact, Pete, me boy.

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