EN: No, it'll be an act of solidarity. They'll be defending the First Amendment. We'll tell them that the only way to protect the right to publish...is to publish.
CN: 大家会团结起来的,他们这是在捍卫新闻自由,跟他们说,维护出版自由的唯一途径...就是出版。
EN: For all I knew you were lying in the gutter somewhere...with a knife in your back.
CN: 据我所知,你不知道躺在哪个臭水沟里呢...包里还拿把刀。
EN: We don't want your stinking war.
CN: 我们不要你们的丑恶战争。
EN: I've walked and I've crawled on six crooked highways, not for what is politic but for what is right. Like my brother Mario said..."There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious...that you've got to put your body upon the gears...and upon the wheels, and upon the levers...and you've got to make it stop." Someone gives up his life, so that the President...doesn't have to admit something the entire world already knows.
CN: 我一路走来,穿过蜿蜒的道路,不为政治斗争,只为寻求真理,正如我的兄弟马里奥所说,"有这么一个时代,国家机器变得如此令人生厌...你不得不用自己的血肉之躯阻挡齿轮,阻挡车轮,阻挡控制杆,你必须让它停下来"。有人牺牲了生命,面对路人皆知的真相...我们根本不需要总统来承认。
EN: "All designed to meet these five desiderata."
CN: "一切都是为了满足五位总统的个人私欲"
EN: Every time I read The New York Times above the fold...I feel like somebody's shoving a hot poker up my ass.
CN: 每次一看到"纽约时报"几个字出现在自家头版...就有一种菊花被捅的感觉。
EN: Covert ops, guaranteed debt, rigged elections? It's all in there. Ike, Kennedy, Johnson. They violated the Geneva Convention. They lied to Congress and they lied to the public. They knew we couldn't win and still sent boys to die. What about Nixon? He's just carrying on like all the others. Too afraid to be the one who loses the war on his watch.
CN: 秘密行动、担保债务、内幕选举,全在这儿,艾森豪威尔、肯尼迪、约翰逊,他们违反了日内瓦公约,向国会和公众撒谎,不断让青年们为了一场必输的仗白白送死,尼克松呢?也像他们一样若无其事地拖着,害怕这场战争输在自己任职期间。
EN: Someone said this at some point...about why we stayed when we knew we were losing. 10% was to help the South Vietnamese. 20% was to hold back the commies. 70% was to avoid the humiliation of an American defeat. 70% of those boys... just to avoid being humiliated?
CN: 其实以前有人提过...为什么明知会输还要继续,一成的原因是为了帮助越南人民,二成是为了阻止共产党,七成是为了避免美国战败的屈辱,七成战死的男孩...仅仅是为了避免屈辱。
EN: Of course that's the way things worked. Politicians and the press, they trusted each other...so they could go to the same dinner party and drink cocktails and tell jokes...while there was a war waging in Vietnam.
CN: 当然,一般都是这样,政客和媒体,彼此信任...所以他们能一起参加宴会,喝着鸡尾酒讲着笑话...而与此同时越南正燃着战火。
EN: The way they lied. The way they lied. Those days have to be over. We have to be the check on their power. If we don't hold them accountable, I mean, my God, who will?
CN: 他们撒的谎,他们骗大家,是时候做个了结了,我们必须成为他们权力的审查者,如果我们都不能让他们为自己的行为负责,我只想说那还有谁能。
EN: When you're told time and time again that you're not good enough. That your opinion doesn't matter as much. When they don't just look past you. When, to them, you're not even there. When that's been your reality for so long...it's hard not to let yourself think it's true.
CN: 当一个人总是被责备,说你不够好,你的意见不重要,不光是对你置若罔闻,他们根本就当你是空气,在这种现实中待久了...很难不去让人也开始怀疑自己。
EN: I was struck, in fact, by President JRichard's reaction... to these revelations as close to treason. Because it reflected to me the sense that what was damaging to the reputation of a particular administration, a particular individual...was in itself treason. Which is very close to saying, "I am the State."
CN: 尼克松总统的反应让我震惊,他认为此次泄密是叛国行为,因为这给我的感觉是他觉得某个行为若有损某个政府或个人的名誉...就是叛国行为,这就像在说"我即是国"。
EN: "The press was to serve the governed, not the governors."
CN: "新闻媒体是为人民发声的,而不是政府的喉舌”