That carp is...the reincarnation of my husband. The fish was born on the day he died. He used to always go carp fishing. That's silly. But it's true. Whenever something bad happens, the carp jumps.
Every father feels the same way when his daughter reaches that age. When mine got married, I almost lost my mind.
I'm just sorry for man's fate. Stick around. You'll see. Men are pathetic creatures.
Man's pleasures are eating and making love. If he can't do that...Even big executives have no reason to live without that. They work hard all their lives to get into the best schools and land a good job. By 50 they're old men. They can't stand up straight. My job is to give them a purpose in life. In other words, it's social welfare.
You've had a rough time for so long. I understand, honey. You and I are alike. We're honest. Sometimes too honest. Human beings are made this way. We're made like this.
I'm beat. I thought an orgy would cheer me up. But there's no kick. My body's like a dead fish. I wonder why. That's bad. Banteki said it was freedom. It's the other way around.
- Greedy, lecherous creatures. It's always somebody else's fault. And yet men go for it. I don't understand it. No one can understand the relationship between the sexes. There's no form to it, nothing you can pinpoint. If we were machines, it'd be easy.
- Right! Machines are much better.
Machines are honest, and they're never greedy. They're quiet and never complain. Machines...That's it: a machine! A doll. a Dutch wife. An eternal virgin. Of course, you'd only have to repair one part. Obedient, quiet. Never cheats on you. Doesn't ask you for money. All sizes. Better than masturbation. Freedom from women. It'll free women too. Laws against prostitution won't affect us. It'll stop juvenile delinquency. The epitome of mechanical culture! Dutch wife! A Dutch wife for true freedom! Dutch wife! I'll make a Dutch wife!