The Pianist

The Pianist

The Pianist (Original Title)

The film is based on the autobiographical novel "City of Death" by Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman, a Polish radio pianist whose family is forced into the Warsaw ghetto at the outbreak of World War II. The author is a Polish radio pianist whose family is forced into the Warsaw ghetto at the outbreak of World War II.


The Germans go into Jewish homes and they just take anything they want furniture, valuables, anything.

You know what people are like, they want to be better nazis than Hitler.

No, we can't.Official decree.No Jews allowed in the park. I'm not joking, it's true. I suggest we could sit in a bench, but another official decree "no Jews allowed on public benches".

I'm sick of cooking potatoes, potatoes, potatoes.

They bribe the guards,the guards turn a blind eye. They bring cartloads of food,tobacco, liquor, French cosmetics. And the poor are dying all around and they don't give a damn.

I'm telling you, it's a disgrace. Letting them take us to our death like sheep to the slaughter. Why don't we attack them? There's half a million of us here. We can break out of the ghetto. At least we can die honorably, not as a stain on the face of History.
我告诉你 这是一个耻辱,我们任凭他们把我们引向死亡 就像羔羊走向屠场,我们为什么不反击,我们有五十万人在这里,我们可以突破犹太区重围,至少我们可以光荣地死去,而不是当历史上的一个污点。

I hope you play the piano better than you carry bricks.

You can make good business out of the things you don't eat. Isn't that something that you Jews are good in? Making money?
你们可以好好做生意...不做这一行 你们会没饭吃,这不是是你们犹太人最擅长的吗?赚钱。

Jews fighting back. Who would thought? What good? They died with dignity.That what good they did.

You'll be pleased to hear that the Allies are bombing Germany...night after night,after night. Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin. And the Russians are really giving them hell. It's the beginning of the end.

Look at them.German fuckers! Murderers! Murderers! Dirty bastards! Assassins! Bastards! Look at you now! You took everything I had. Me, a musician.You took my violin, you took my soul.

If you prick us, de we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us, do we not die?
And, if you wrong us,shall we not revenge?

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