EN: The old man was gray and wrinkled, with deep furrows in the back of his neck...and his hands had the deep, creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert. Everything about him was old, except his eyes. And they were the same color as the sea, were cheerful and undefeated.
CN: 老人瘦骨嶙峋,颈背上刻着深深的皱纹。他的双手由于常用钓线拖拽大鱼,勒出了很深的疤痕,可是,这些伤疤没有一处是新的,和没有鱼的沙漠里风雨侵蚀留下的痕迹一样古老。他浑身上下都显得很苍老,只有那双眼睛,和大海是一样的颜色,看上去生气勃勃,有一股不服输的劲儿。
EN: The boy went out and the old man thought, "Why do old men wake so early? Is it to have one longer day?"
CN: 男孩走了出去。“老家伙们干吗醒得那么早呢?老人难道是为了让日子更漫长?”
EN: He was asleep in a short time...and he dreamed of Africa, when he was a boy. He dreamed of the golden beaches and the white beaches so white they hurt your eyes. And the high capes and the great brown mountains. He lived along that coast now every night, and in his dreams... he heard the surf roar, and saw the native boats come riding through it. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept ... and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze brought with the morning.
CN: 他不一会儿就酣然入睡了,梦见了自己小时候去过的非洲,长长的金色海滩和白色海滩,白得刺眼,还有高耸的海岬和褐色的大山。如今他每天夜里都梦见自己生活在那道海岸边上,在梦里听见海浪的轰隆声响,看到当地的小船乘风破浪。在睡梦中,他闻到甲板上的柏油和麻絮的味道,还有清晨陆地上的微风带来的非洲的气息。
EN: He no longer dreamed of storms nor of women...nor of great occurrences nor of great fish nor fights nor contests of strength..nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now... and of the lions on the beach.
CN: 他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见女人,不再梦见重大事件,不再梦见大鱼、打架、力量角逐,也不再梦见他的妻子。他如今只梦到一些地方,还有沙滩上的狮子。
EN: In the dark, the old man could feel the morning coming. And as he rode, he heard the trembling sound as flying fish left the water...and the hissing their stiff, set wings made as they soared away in the darkness.
CN: 黑暗中,老人可以感到清晨将至,他一边划着船,一边听着飞鱼出水的颤抖声,还有它们那直挺挺的翅膀在黑暗中凌空飞离时发出的咝咝声。
EN: He was very fond of flying fish, as they were his principal friends in the ocean. He was sorry for the birds, especially the small, delicate, dark terns...that were always flying and looking and almost never finding. He thought, "The birds have a harder life than we do...except for the robber birds and the heavy, strong ones.Why do they make birds so delicate and fine when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful, but she can be so cruel. "
CN: 他非常喜爱飞鱼,那是他在海上最重要的朋友。他为鸟儿感到惋惜,尤其是纤弱的黑色小燕鸥,它们始终在飞翔觅食,却几乎从来都是一无所获。他想,除了那些掠夺成性的猛禽和健硕有力的鸟儿,鸟类的生活比我们还要艰辛。既然海洋如此残酷,造物主为什么还要让鸟儿生得如此柔弱纤巧?大海仁慈而又美丽,可她也会变得如此残暴。
EN: la maHe always thought of the sea as la mar...which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her...but they are always said as though she were a woman. Some of the younger fishermen ...spoke of her as a contestant or a place or an enemy...but the old man had always thought of her as feminine...and as something that gave or withheld great favors. "The moon affects her as it does a woman," he thought.
CN: 每每想到大海,他脑海中浮现的总是 la maHe always thought of the sea as la mar,这是西班牙语中人们对大海的爱称。喜爱大海的人们有时候也会说她的坏话,不过这种时候往往把她当作女人。有些年轻一点儿的渔夫,总把她当作一个竞争对手,一个去处,甚至是一个敌人。可老人一贯把大海想象成女人,她向人们施与或拒绝施与莫大的恩惠。“月亮对大海的影响如同对女人的影响一般。”老人觉得。
EN: Just before it was dark, as they passed the great island of sargasso weed...that heaved and swung as though the ocean were making love...with something under a yellow blanket.
CN: 天快黑的时候,鱼和船经过好大一片马尾藻,那片马尾藻在微波动荡的海面上飘摇,仿佛大海和什么东西在黄色的毯子下面做爱。
EN: Man is not made for defeat. Man can be destroyed, but not defeated.
CN: 人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。