Quotes from Chef:
EN: 你是食客,是索取者,和其他人一样。
CN: You're an eater. You're a taker. Like all the rest.
EN: So, once again, thank you for dining with us tonight. You represent the ruin of my art and my life, and now you get to be a part of it.
CN: 我想再说一遍,感谢各位前来用餐,你们代表着我的艺术和生活的分崩离析,现在你们要成为其中的一部分了。
EN: The s'more. The most offensive assault on the human palate ever contrived. Unethically sourced chocolate and gelatinized sugar water imprisoned by industrial-grade graham cracker. It's everything wrong with us, and yet we associate it with innocence. With childhood. Mom and Dad.
CN: 烤棉花糖饼干,它对人类味蕾最具冲击力,劣质巧克力和糖水明胶,包上工业级的全麦饼干,它是我们一切错误的集合,可我们却用天真无邪,用童年,用爸爸妈妈与其联系在一起。
EN: It wasn't cod, you donkey. It was halibut. Rare, fucking spotted halibut. It matters to the halibut, Mrs. Leibrandt. And to the artist whose work turns to shit inside your gut. I've allowed my work to reach the price point where only the class of people in this room can access it. And I've been fooled into trying to satisfy people who could never be satisfied. Starting with her. But that's our culture, isn't it?
CN: 那不是鳕鱼,蠢驴,那是比目鱼,是他妈的珍稀的斑点比目鱼,对比目鱼来说很重要,李布兰特先生,对那些手下杰作在你们肠子里变成屎的艺术家们同样重要。我让我的菜品和价位相匹配,所以只有阶级高如在座各位的人才能吃到,而我也曾愚蠢地去试图满足,那些根本就无法被满足的人,从她开始,但那就是我们的文化,不是吗?
EN: Do you hear that silence? Listen, can you hear it? That silence means...I'm free.
CN: 你听到那片寂静了吗?听啊,你能听到吗?那片寂静意味着,我自由了。
EN: As Dr. King said, "We know through painful experience "that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed."
CN: 就像金博士说的那样,“痛苦的经历教会我们,自由绝不是压迫者主动施舍的,而是要由被压迫者自己来争取。”
EN: You're an eater. You're a taker. Like all the rest.
CN: 你是食客,是索取者,和其他人一样。
EN: Do not eat. Taste. Savor. Relish. Consider every morsel that you place inside your mouth. Be mindful. But do not eat. Our menu is too precious for that. And look around you. Here we are on this island. Accept. Accept all of it. And forgive. And on that note.
CN: 不要只是吃,要品尝,要欣赏,要享受,细细品味你们送入口中的每一口食物,不要只顾着吃。我们提供的昂贵菜品可不止为了吃,看看周围,看看我们所处的这座岛,接受,接受所有的一切,原谅一切,本着这种精神。
EN: We, the people on this island, are not important. The island and the nutrients it provides exist in their most perfect state without us gathering them or manipulating them, or digesting them. What happens inside this room is meaningless compared to what happens outside in nature, in the soil, in the water, in the air. We are but a frightened nanosecond. Nature is timeless.
CN: 我们这些来到岛上的人无关紧要,这座岛和它提供的养分已经处在完美的状态之中,不需要我们来收集、控制或者消化,与自然中,土壤中,水中,空气中所发生的一切相比,这个房间中进行的一切毫无意义,我们转瞬即逝,自然才是永恒。
EN: Bread has existed in some form for over 12,000 years, especially amongst the poor. Flour and water. What could be simpler? Even today, grain represents 65% of all agriculture. Fruits and vegetables only 6%. Ancient Greek peasants dipped their stale, measly bread in wine for breakfast. And how did Jesus teach us to pray if not to beg for our daily bread?
CN: 面包已经以各种形式存在了超过一万两千年,尤其是在穷人的生活里,面粉和水,不能再简单了。直到今天,谷物也占到了农业生产的65%,水果和植物只占百分之六,古希腊的农民将一些不新鲜的面包蘸酒作早餐,要不是为了乞求我们每天的面包,耶稣又如何教我们祈祷呢?
EN: It is, and has always been, the food of the common man. But you, my dear guests, are not the common man. And so tonight...you get no bread.
CN: 面包是而且一直是普通人的食物,但各位贵宾,你们不是普通人,所以今晚你们没有面包。
EN: The menu only makes sense if you eat.
CN: 只有你用餐,菜单才会有意义。
EN: Jeremy has forsaken everything to achieve his goals. Like mine, his life is pressure. Pressure to put out the best food in the world. And even when all goes right, and the food is perfect, and the customers are happy, and the critics are, too, there is no way to avoid the mess. The mess you make of your life, of your body, of your sanity, by giving everything you have to pleasing people you will never know.
CN: 杰瑞米为了实现目标舍弃一切,像我一样,他的生活充满压力,只为烹饪出最好的菜肴,即使一切顺利,无可挑剔,客人和评论家都很满意,但依然无法避免困境,生活过得一团糟,身体垮掉,精神失常,因为你使劲浑身解数,想取悦那些你永远无法结识的人。
EN: Nothing in this kitchen is arbitrary.
CN: 这厨房里就没有随便的事。
EN: There's a saying. "Sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea." I learned that growing up in Bratislava. I've found that not only does tea cleanse the palate, but it offers a soothing balm when facing some hard home truths.
CN: 有种说法,“有时你只需要一杯好茶”,这句话是我在布拉迪斯拉发长大时听到的,我发现茶不仅能洗去残味,还能在面对逆耳忠言时给人贴心慰藉。
Quotes from Others:
EN: Do not photograph our dishes. Chef strongly feels that the beauty in his creations lies in their ephemeral nature.
CN: 务必不要给我们的餐点拍照,主厨坚信美食的美丽,蕴含在转瞬即逝之间。
EN: It's art on the edge of the abyss, which is where God works, too. It's the same.
CN: 烹饪是站在深渊边缘的艺术,正如上帝决定生死,是一码事。
EN: Trust me. He's telling a story. That's what makes his food so exciting. He's not just a chef. He's a storyteller.
CN: 相信我,他是在讲故事,所以他的食物如此令人垂涎,他不只是主厨,还会讲述故事。
EN: You will eat less than you desire and more than you deserve.
CN: 你会吃的比你想要的少,但比你应得的多。
EN: A real cheeseburger. Not some fancy, deconstructed avant bullshit. A real cheeseburger.
CN: 我想要真正的芝士汉堡,不要花里胡哨,玩解构主义先锋派的垃圾,真正的芝士汉堡。