EN: We are now about to land in the world-famous city of Los Angeles. Its name, translated from the ancient Spanish, means "city of the angels." It is also the home of the American motion-picture industry. The city is of night, "perchance of death." 20,000 people arrive here to settle every week. "They leave all hope behind who enter here. Once certitude while saying they cannot leave, one anodyne for torture and despair--the certitude of death."
CN: 我们即将到达的是,世界闻名的城市洛杉矶,这个名字源自古西班牙语,意为"天使之城",这也是美国电影工业之家。这是夜之城,或许是死亡之城,每周都有约两万人来此定居,"进入这座城市的人孤注一掷,他们一旦明白无法离开,一种针对折磨和绝望的止疼药——便是死亡。"
EN: Now, he's, uh, still English, he's still aristocratic, but he's got human warmth. Hmm? he's, um--he's a human James Bond.
CN: 他现在呃,依然是英国人,依然是贵族,但他有人性的温暖,他是一个…平民化的詹姆斯▪邦德。
EN: The climate here suits me admirably, and the people here are so kind and generous. They talk entirely for their own pleasure, They never expect you to listen. Just remember that, dear boy. It's the secret of social ease in this country.
CN: 这儿的气候很养人,人们也都和蔼可亲,他们说话完全是为了自娱自乐,从不指望你听,记住这个吧孩子,这就是这个国家社交的秘诀。
EN: I wish you could have seen this place in the old days--like a great aquarium, flashing with the limbs of beauties. All, alas, long since departed. Golden lads and girls all must, as chimney sweepers, come to dust."
CN: 我真希望你能看到这地方从前的样子,就像一个巨型水族馆,无数美好之事在这里熠熠生辉,所有一切,唉,已成往事,"富贵人家的少爷姑娘,和穷人一样归于泉壤"。
EN: I did awake, and a dream came unto me. And, lo, I beheld a life of eternal happiness… A life where shadows… radiant beams of sunshine and joy. silver laughter of little children. Where grief became gladness, where sorrow became the mewing of tiny kittens and splash of precious duck babies at play. And a voice came unto me… And said, "go forth and realize your dream." And so did I obey… And build for all eternity this whispering glades. Stranger, enter these gates and be happy.
CN: 我已经醒来,有一段梦境发生在我身上,我看到了永恒的幸福,在这生活中所有阴影,都散发着阳光和喜悦,小孩子们银铃般的笑声,在那里忧愁也能变成欢喜,在那里悲伤变成了小猫咪的喵喵声,还有珍贵的小鸭子们的嬉闹声。然后有一个声音向我传来,对我说"出发吧,去实现你的梦想",我也这么做了,我为世间永恒建造了整座丛林低语,陌生的人们啊,走进此门,感受快乐吧。
"For many a time I've been half in love with easeful death,
call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
to take into the air my quiet breath,
now more than ever
seems it rich to die,
to cease upon the midnight
with no pain."
"多少次 我几乎爱上了静谧的死亡
EN: You know, some people think of death as a negative thing, but you see how wrong they are, don't you? What could be more, more beautiful and more thrilling than… than eternal rest?
CN: 你知道,很多人都认为死亡是一件…一件消极的事情,但你知道他们大错特错,不是吗?还有什么比永世长眠更美丽…更激动人心的事呢?