The Life of Oharu

The Life of Oharu

西鶴一代女 (Original Title)

At night, Chun, a prostitute in her fifties, wanders through the streets and enters a temple where she recalls her difficult and tragic past life. As a young woman, Haru was a maid in the household of a nobleman. She fell in love with a lowly samurai, Katsunosuke, and was caught in the act of their affair...


EN: An old man took me to an inn for pilgrims. I was glad to get some business, so I went along. Some pilgrims were gathered. He held a candle up to my face. Then he said to the young men there... "Look how she tries to hide her age! Would you sleep with a woman like this?" I think he was giving thema lesson in karmic retribution.
CN: 今天一个香客来找我了,我感到很幸运,我去了一个烛火通明的地方,就在对佛祈祷的时候,他对着一个年轻人说,瞧瞧这画满妆的脸,你还想要搞个女人吗?我就是这么一副病怏怏的黄脸婆模样。

EN: The nobility makes sport of sincerity, turning it into mere wordplay. If that's how they define elegance, then I...
CN: 如果谈风颂雅是抛弃真诚的文字游戏,那样的玩弄游戏,那我承认自己品位的拙劣。

EN: Why is it wrong for a man and woman to fall in love? Why is it immoral?
CN: 为什么男女在一起就是有罪啊,就因为两个人相爱?

EN: "Please find a good man and make a happy home. But be sure to marry only for true love." I hope the day will come when people can love freely, regardless of rank or class.
CN: 我希望你能找到一个好男人,建立一个幸福的家庭,答应我你会为了真爱而结婚,我希望有那么一天,所有人能不分地位的自由恋爱。

EN: To put it simply, he wants a girl like that. First of all, "She should be between 15 and 18. Her face should be fashionably round. Her eyes must be round too. Thick eyebrows, with enough space between the eyes. A small mouth, with a full set of even white teeth. Long ears with narrow rims and detached, translucent lobes. A natural, unaltered hairline. A long neck without wisps of hair. Long, slender fingers with diaphanous nails." There's more. "Feet smaller than eight inches, with nice arches. She must have a long, willowy torso, a firm waist, but not too muscular, a plump bottom, a pleasant demeanor, a fine figure in whatever she wears, noble in birth, meek in personality, and without a single mole on her body."
CN: 主子希望那个女人能像这个样子:年纪15到18岁,面孔必须是时髦的、圆润的,不要眼睛小的,眉毛必须要浓,鼻子要正,嘴巴要小,牙齿要白,耳朵要匀称,五官俊俏,脖子要长些,后面没什么碎发,纤细的手指。后面还有呢,脚宁愿要小些,腿要长些,细腰,圆臀,有教养,温柔的,无暇的身体。

EN: You're bought and paid for. You're no different from a fish on a chopping board. We can serve you up any way we like.
CN: 你是被卖到这儿的,就好像被海浪送到船甲板上的鱼,它的命运就是等待它的买家。

EN: A handsome youth at morn is by dusk a heap of bones. All is truly impermanent in this world.
CN: 正如俗语说的,一日度沧桑,世上没有什么事情是必然的。

EN: Here we are, covered with wrinkles... yet we try to coo like young maidens: "Hey there, handsome!" What nerve we have!
CN: 我该怎么处理我的皱纹啊,去像个少女般讲话真是伤脑筋啊,这脸就像个屁股一样。

EN: Everybody take a good long look. You see that? You still want to sleep with women now? You all want happiness in the next world. That's why you're on the Thirty-three Temple Pilgrimage. However... if you'd rather steep yourself in the impermanence of earthly life, then follow the example of this goblin cat in human form.
CN: 好好看看这个女人,看看这张画了粉的脸吧,你们还想要去买春吗?你们现在正是在朝圣的时候,如果你们想要了解这短暂人生的意义,那就看看这个妖婆子吧。

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