EN: You are truly a performer's performer. In all my travels...I've seen nothing so marvelous as your art! Yours is a rare art indeed. Neither Peking nor Shaanxi opera have anything like it. Sichuan opera is famed for transformations...but they are paltry compared to your magic. The same potion brews differently in different hands. Every beggar's got his own stick for beating off dogs.
CN: 外行看热闹,内行看门道,我走南闯北,也见过些世面,可还没见过老师傅这一招吧,您真是一味独生汤啊,唉,京班子没有,陕班子也没有,我们川班子虽说有一则九变化身,看远不及老师傅的窍门惊绝,膏药一张 熬炼不同啊 我想…哎,叫化子也有自己的打狗棍嘛。
EN: Generals never dismount, but gallop on.
CN: 将军不下马,各自奔前程。
EN: He's a fucking heartless man. I wouldn't hit a monkey like that. Poor little melon, tossed in with a black-hearted turnip!
CN: 狗日的心太狠了,我对猴子也下不了这么死手打的,这小苦瓜遇上黑心萝卜了。
- I'm a stupid pig, letting you trick me like that.
- I'm not a crook. I've been sold seven times. 'Cause I'm a girl...they've all abused me. Only you've treated me well...like family. I was scared you wouldn't want me. Grandpa. Don't sell me.
- 你骗我老江湖,我真是笨猪。
- 我不是骗子,我让人卖过七回了,都讲我是女的,拿我当牲口,只有您老人家心好,把我当人,当亲人,我怕说出来了,您不要我了,爷爷,您别卖我。
EN: Doggie! You're like a leech on a cormorant's foot. Can't shake you off.
CN: 狗娃,蚂蟥缠着螺蛳脚,甩也甩不脱。
EN: My dear soldiers, it's a family secret. I wouldn't sell it for a thousand taels of gold. All I can say is 2 plus 2 is the opposite of take. Please "four-give" me.
CN: 各位,各位军爷,技不外传,海不漏底,千两黄金不卖道,十字街头送故交,各位,高抬贵手,金盆打水银盆装,圆亮,圆亮。
EN: A dragon in the shallows, is toyed with by shrimps. A tiger out of the jungle, can be tormented by a dog.
CN: 龙游浅滩遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺哟。
EN: 啊。
It wouldn't exactly have been a piece of cake. He's as sharp...as a whip...and as famous as you can be. I'm just a street performer. I'd be way out of my depth.
CN: 人家是龙灯的脑袋,刷亮了的,三月间的营口红透了的,我一个区区跑滩匠,那是乌龟爬桅杆,高攀不上啊。
- If only you were a boy.
- What do boys have that I don't? Just a little teapot spout. Does the goddess have a teapot spout?
- 你要是个男娃子多好哦
- 我哪点比男娃子差,哎就是差个茶壶嘴嘴哦,菩萨有茶壶嘴嘴没有。
EN: You're sweet, but you'll never be a real grandson.
CN: 你再好,也顶不了个孙子。
Grandma's bridge is nigh...
Grandma says I'm a sweetie pie
Where's Grandma's house?
By the river.
Who lives there?
Grandma, Uncle and Auntie.
What's Auntie do?
She makes dumplings and noodles.
摇啊摇 摇到外婆桥
有舅舅 还有舅妈
舅妈包饺子 擀面面
Guo Ziyi had many children in his home.
Dou Yanshan's five sons with glory shone.
The Yangs produced eight generals, tigers all.
You have one stick of joss in your ancestral hall.
EN: The literati have their forums, the military their schools...the secret societies their hails and performers their stages.
CN: 你既然悍过袍哥,就该懂得规矩,袍哥犯法,自管自杀,自己合计自己罩,自己枉存自己跳。
EN: I swear before heaven and earth...and may I be struck down by lightning if I lie...I wouldn't dare do such a thing.
CN: 上有天下有地,几个雷公几个闪,几个腰子几个胆。
EN: If there's mud in your pants...people will say you shit in them.
CN: 黄泥巴裹裤裆,不是屎也是屎,说不清楚。