The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant (Original Title)

This is the story of a nine-year-old boy named Hogarth Hughes who makes friends with an innocent alien giant robot that came from outer space. Meanwhile, a paranoid U.S. Government agent named Kent Mansley arrives in town, determined to destroy the giant at all costs. It's up to Hogarth to protect him by keeping him at Dean McCoppin's place in the junkyard.


1、I got food here for you! Metal! Crunchy, delicious metal!

2、Who cares what these creeps think, you know? They don't decide who you are. You do. You are who you choose to be.

3、There are two kinds of metal in this yard. Scrap and art. If you gotta eat one of them, eat the scrap. What you currently have in your mouth is art!

4、We can't see it, but it's there. Much like that giant thing in the woods. We don't know what it is or what it can do.

5、Mom says it's something inside of all good things, and that it goes on forever and ever.

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