The Greatest Beer Run Ever

The Greatest Beer Run Ever (Original Title)

Based on the documentary book The Greatest Beer Run Ever: A True Story of Friendship Stronger Than War, the film tells the true story of John "Chickie" Donohue, a 26-year-old former U.S. Marine in 1967 during the Vietnam War. Donohue sets out from New York to find his three childhood friends in Vietnam who are serving in the army and bring them beer.


EN: Like my grandfather used to say, always ring the doorbell with your elbow. And that, my friends, is called the Irish hello.
CN: 像我爷爷过去总说的,永远不要空手上门,我的朋友们,这就是传说中的爱尔兰式问候。

- Hey, do you know where I can find any of the reporter guys around here?
- Press? Throw dart, hit press guy.
- 你知道在哪能找到记者吗?
- 媒体?随便扔个飞镖就能击中一个。

EN: Maybe it's not a cease-fire. Maybe the enemy just ran out of bullets.
CN: 也许他们不是在躲避共党,也许他们只是在躲避炮弹。

EN: The truth? The truth hurts us? No. The truth doesn't hurt us. It's the lies. The lies and the conspiracy to distort the truth, that's what hurts America. You've seen the soldiers we've got out here. They're just kids. Good kids being patriots. Doing what their country asks. And I want the truth told for them. The people running this war, they're not patriots. They're politicians. And they deal in the currency of lies. And if the lies continue, they're just gonna keep sending boys out here to be killed to justify the boys who already got killed.
CN: 真相?真相会伤害我们?不,真相不会伤害我们,谎言才会,扭曲事实的谎言和阴谋论才是伤害美国的东西,你也看到了驻扎在这里的士兵们,他们都是些孩子,爱国的好孩子,遵从国家的命令而我想为了他们说出真相,主导战争的那些人才不是爱国者,他们是政客,说谎就是家常便饭,如果任由谎言继续,他们只会继续派孩子来这里送命,好假装已送命的孩子死得合理。

EN: And every GI that dies…Is what, 50, 60 Vietnamese? And they're not soldiers. They're moms and dads. Children. Little babies.
CN: 每一个死去的美国大兵,换50、60个越南人的命?他们并不是军人,他们是爸妈、儿童、婴儿。

EN: There's a lot of wars going on in Vietnam. Most of all, the public relations one. The enemy blasting a hole in the wall is an easier sell than some kind of VC inside job, you know?
CN: 越南有各种各样的战争最主要的是公关战,敌人在墙上炸出一个洞要比越共间谍玩无间道的故事更可信,对吧?

EN: That's what war is, Chick. It's one giant crime scene.
CN: 奇基,战争就是如此,一个大型犯罪现场。

EN: You got a good heart, Chickie. It's your brain that I'm worried about.
CN: 奇基,你的心肠很好我比较担心的是你的脑子。

EN: Look, I know our granddads and our dads, they went over to Europe to save the world. And... And I would put today's guys up there with them any day. And I mean any day. But I... I'm not so sure we're saving the world this time.
CN: 听着,我知道我们的祖辈和父亲,远渡重洋,到欧洲拯救世界,我们今天的军人们与他们一样值得敬佩,这是当然的,毋庸置疑,可是我不确定这一次我们是在拯救世界。

EN: You don't get it, do you, Chick? This isn't a John Wayne movie, all right? Where you know who the good guys are and the bad guys are.
CN: 奇基,你还不明白 是吗?这不是约翰韦恩的电影 好吗?谁是好人、谁是坏人,一目了然。

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