The Grandmaster by Vania Zouravliov

The Grandmaster

一代宗師 (Original Title)

In 1936, the Foshan martial arts world is in turmoil. In 1936, the martial arts world in Foshan is in turmoil. The master of Bagua Quan, Gong Yutian, is old and has promised to retire.

Quotes from Ip Man:

EN: Don't tell me how well you fight, or how great your teacher is, or brag about your style. Kung fu: two words. Horizontal. Vertical. Make a mistake, horizontal. Stay standing and you win.
CN: 别跟我说你功夫有多深,师父有多厉害,门派有多深奥,功夫-两个字,一横一竖,错的,躺下喽,站着的才有资格讲话。

EN: If life has seasons, my first 40 years were spring.
CN: 如果人生有四季的话,我四十岁之前都是春天。

EN: To you, this cake is the country. To me, it's much more. Break from what you know and you will know more. The Southern arts are bigger than just North and South.
CN: 在你眼中,这块饼是一个武林,对我来讲是一个世界,所谓大成若缺,有缺憾才能有进步,真管用的话,南拳又何止北传。

EN: The country is in crisis and everyone is suffering. To be poor is no big deal. I'd rather starve than eat Japanese rice. I won't collaborate.
CN: 现在国难当头,困难人人有,穷一点儿也没什么,我这个人喝惯了珠江水,这日本的米,我吃不惯。

EN: I began studying kung fu at age seven. Before I turned 40, I was never beaten. When that happened, it was life that dealt the blows. In eight years of war, I lost everything.
CN: 我七岁学拳,四十之前,未见过高山,到第一次碰到,发现原来最难越过的是生活,抗战八年,我变成一无所有。

Quotes from Gong Er:

EN: Love is just that, a dream. It's said no instrument is as lovely as a voice. Words always sound better sung.
CN: 风流本就是个梦,有人说丝不如竹,竹不如肉,唱的,远比说的好听。

EN: To say there are no regrets in life, is just to fool yourself. How boring it would be without regrets.
CN: 想想,说人生无悔,都是赌气的话,人生若无悔,那该多无趣啊。

EN: My father said, "Mastery has three stages: Being, knowing, doing." I know myself. I've seen the world. Sadly, I can't pass on what I know. This is a road I won't see to the end. I hope you will.
CN: 我爹常说习武之人有三个阶段:见自己,见天地,见众生。我见过自己,也算见过天地,可惜见不到众生,这条路,我没走完,希望你能把它走下去。

Quotes from Master Gong Yutian:

EN: Do you know why a knife must have a sheath? Its real power lies not in sharpness, but in concealment.
CN: 你知道为什么刀得有鞘,因为刀的真意不在杀,在藏。

EN: Take a longer view. Past the mountains, the world opens up. Not to see the good in others, not to admit their talent, is to lack generosity.
CN: 人要往远看,过了山,眼界就开阔了,但凡一个人见不得人好,见不得人高明,是没有容人之心。

EN: In the future, you'll face challenges at every step. I hope you'll be like me. Pass on the torch. Never give up the faith. Keep the light burning.
CN: 今日我把名声送给你,往后的路,你是一步一擂台。希望你像我一样,凭一口气点一盏灯,要知道念念不忘,必有回响,有灯就有人。

Quotes from Others:

EN: Bagua zhang is based on swordplay. Single reverse palm is a single blade. Double reverse palm is a double blade. The feet arc out and in. There are 64 transformations. Attack comes out of nowhere.
CN: 八卦掌取法于刀术,单换掌是单刀,双换掌是双刀,步法一掰一扣,有六十四变化,擅长偏门抢攻。

EN: Xingyi fist began with General Yue Fei. It uses the fist as a spear. Drill! Chop! Cross! Blast! Crush!
CN: 形意拳奉岳飞为祖师,所谓脱枪为拳,钻,劈,横,炮,崩。

EN: Don't underrate Gong Er. The Martial Arts world has four taboos. Monks, Taoist priests, women, and children. Grappling with them is a bad idea.
CN: 别小看她是个女的,武行四大忌,和尚、道士、女人、小孩,上门准没好事儿。

EN: The life of an exile is rarely easy. It's full of ups and downs. Some look ahead. Others live in the past.
CN: 江湖夜雨十年灯,无非就是潮起潮落,有的人留心眼前路,有的人留恋生后身。

EN: This sash stands for school and teacher. It stands for commitment to honor and respect our legacy. You are now a martial artist.
CN: 这条腰带就是代表你师门,你师父,一条腰带一道气 上了这条腰带 就是练武之人,以后,你就要凭这口气做人。

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