The Fountain

The Fountain

The Fountain (Original Title)

In 1500, General Thomas was ordered by Queen Isabella to go to the New World to find the legendary "Tree of Life". As long as you drink a drop of the tree's sap, you will get immortality, all the way through the hardships, finally reached a glorious hidden place, saw the strange sight of eternal life.


EN: The Mayans called it Xibalba. It was their underworld. The place the dead souls go to be reborn. And how amazing that the Mayans chose a dying star to represent their underworld. Of all the healthy points of light in the did they find one that was dying?
CN: 玛雅人称之为西瓦尔巴,那是他们的阴间,死者的灵魂获得重生的地方,玛雅人选择了一颗即将湮灭的恒星来代表阴间,想想就觉得神奇,天上有这么多星星,为何他们偏要选择一颗行将就木的呢?

EN: Picture them side by side. Fold them into each other like two lovers,woman on top.
CN: 想象它们拼在一起的样子,折叠成一对恋人的形状,女人在上,男人在下。

EN: Inside. I feel different. Every moment. Each one.
CN: 我感觉自己的内心变了,每时每刻,感觉都在变化。

EN: Our bodies are prisons for our souls. Our skin and blood,the iron bars of confinement. But fear not. All flesh decays. Death turns all to ash. And thus...death frees every soul.
CN: 我们的肉体是囚禁灵魂的牢狱,我们的血液与皮肤是铸成那牢狱的铁栏,但你们无需害怕,肉身终会消逝,死亡将一切化为尘土,因此死亡会重新赋予每个灵魂以自由...

EN: You shall wear it when you find Eden. And when you return...I shall be your Eve.
CN: 找到伊甸园时,你的手上要戴着它,你归来之后,我就是你的夏娃。

EN: Death as an act of creation.
CN: 死亡即是创生。

EN: It seems to me that we...struggle all our lives to become whole. Complete enough when we achieve a measure of grace. Few of us ever do. Most of us end up going out the way we came in,kicking and screaming. But somehow,Izzi,young as she was...she achieved that grace. In her last days,she became whole.
CN: 我们奋斗一生,只为让生命变得完整...在死时不留遗憾才可称为某种程度上的超脱...很少人能做到这点,很多人离开时和生来时一样,如襁褓中的婴儿般无法行走,看不见完整的世界,但是,伊兹,尽管她还年轻便已做到了这点...在她最后的时日里,她达到了纯粹。

EN: Death is a disease. It's like any other. And there's a cure. A cure. And I will find it.
CN: 死亡也是种疾病,和其它病症没什么分别,是有方法治愈的,有办法的,我会找到那种办法。

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