The Driver

The Driver

The Driver (Original Title)

"The Driver" is specialist in a rare business: he drives getaway cars in robberies. His exceptional talent prevented him from being caught yet. After another succeeded flight from the police, a self-assured detective makes it his primary goal to catch the Driver. He promises remission of of punishment to a gang if they help to convict him in a set-up robbery.


EN: Some of the criminal types these days, they, uh...Think that they're real cowboys. Think that they can just, uh... Drive around, do whatever they want to do.
CN: 如今有些罪犯,他们是真正的牛仔,以为自己可以开着车,随时随地为所欲为。

EN: You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna catch the cowboy that's never been caught. Cowboy desperado.
CN: 知道我会做什么吗?我要抓住从没被抓到过的牛仔,亡命牛仔。

EN: How many banks in this city get hit every month? Fifteen, on the average. How many end up with a collar? On the average? About eight or nine.
CN: 这城市有多少家银行每个月都被抢?平均15家,有多少人最后被抓到了?平均?8、9个吧。

EN: You gotta be a player. A real player, not just filling out a position. I guess you figure you're a winner. That's it. And you're a loser. But I think you'd like to be a winner.
CN: 你必须成为一个选手,一个真正的选手,而不是占着一个岗位而已,估计你觉得自己是个大赢家,没错,而你是个输家,不过,我认为你想赢。

EN: You know what always amazed me about you? A guy with your attitude never carries a gun? That's stupid. Very stupid.
CN: 知道你什么地方总让我惊讶吗?带着像你这种态度的人却从来不带枪,真蠢,蠢到家了。

EN: I know all about streaks. Every player says, "this time is different."
CN: 我知道所谓的逃亡,每个逃亡者都说,这一次不一样。

♪ and happiness is being close to you ♪
♪ and though the rain may fall ♪
♪ our skies will all be blue ♪
♪ if I look close enough ♪
♪ the sun will come shining through ♪
♪ it's such a pretty world today ♪
♪ look at the sunshine look at the sunshine  ♪
♪ today and every day since I met you ♪
♪ 知道你是我的 ♪
♪ 幸福就在你身边 ♪
♪ 虽然雨水落下 ♪
♪ 我们的天空一片湛蓝 ♪
♪ 如果我靠近看 ♪
♪ 太阳会照射过来 ♪
♪ 今天真是美好 ♪
♪ 看看阳光 ♪
♪ 今天和每一天 ♪
♪ 自从我见到你 ♪

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