Now the year 1997 is over. I miss it.
- We couldn't have icecream for whole past week. And even our coke was not original.
- Let the Pentagon airlift some.
- And dear General, it's said that our supply of Camel brand cigarettes stopped at Antwerp. where the rear bastards wholesold it to Belgian profiteers. And even our chewing gum are now being chewed in the Italian whores' mouths. My mouth smelled so bad that I couldn't bear kissing the Parisians who came to welcome us.
- Telephone Ike (General Dwight D. Eisenhower) to tell him that I'd like to have all of those rascals shot.
- 我们已经有一个礼拜没有吃到冰激凌了,就连可口可乐都不是原装的,
- 让五角大楼给我们空运嘛
- 噢 将军 听说供应给我们的 骆驼烟在安特卫普,让后方的那些坏蛋批发给比利时倒爷了,就连我们的口香糖都嚼在 那些意大利妓女的嘴里,我嘴臭得都没法去吻那些 欢迎我们的巴黎市民了。
- 给艾可发电报,我要把这些混蛋统统枪毙。
-To help people to realize their dreams. If you have any dream, contact us at any time.
- I dream of China's becoming the leader in Asia in the soccer sport. Please help me to realize this dream first.
- No problem. At least, China can be the leader for one day.
-帮人圆个梦 你们要是有什么梦随时找我们,
- 我想让咱们足球冲出亚洲,你们能帮我圆了这个梦吗?
- 行 没问题 起码让您过冲出一天的瘾。
Now it's a peaceful time, and even the real Patton has to stay home quietly. Dare he act wildly, the police will arrest him all the same. Just run your bookstore and be a good citizen. As for the defence of our motherland, we have a powerful PLA. So, you don't need worry about the wars.
过过瘾就行了 和平年代真巴顿也得老老实实地在家呆着,撒野警察照样抓他,好好卖书 当你的良民,国家有咱强大的人民解放军保卫着哪啊,打仗也轮不着你。
Ah, now I understand.Heroes are really different from us commoners. I now really cherish great respect to the heroes.
哎呀 这回我算是知道了,英雄真就不是 一般人 我对英雄们肃然起了敬。
Our work is not interesting. We need to exert ourselves suffer pains to bring happiness to others. Act like an angel to spread love and merriment to the world, Even devote all that we have when necessary.
这不是一件好玩的事 这是一件需要付出极大的艰辛,把别人的欢乐建筑在自己的痛苦之上的工作,是把爱和欢乐传播到人间的天使,必要的时候甚至需要付出自己的一切。
Really terrible! How I want to live as an ordinary person! No endless telephone calls, no reporters, no signature-seeking fans. no TV evenings, no roumors of the entertainment circle...And no need to dine with those danmed businessmen...How nice such a life is, even if it lasts only one day! No need to wear sunglasses...That kind of life is really natural. It's nothing for you to live an ordinary life. But for me it's a distant dream.
哎呀 太可怕了!真想当个普通人 过过普通人的日子,没有没完没了的电话 没有记者 没有要签名的影迷,没有电视台的晚会 没有演艺圈里的是是非非,也不用跟那些乱七八糟的企业家们吃饭, 这样的生活哪怕只有一天也好 不用戴墨镜,太自然了,过普通人的生活对你们来说也许不算什么,可是对于我来说那简直是个梦想。
- Then we have to send you to the deserts if you want to suffe hardships.
- Stop your nonsense! I want to live together with lobsters all my life.
- 你要再想吃苦受罪就得往沙漠无人区送你了
- 拉倒吧你 我都想一辈子和龙虾睡一块了。