The Cry

The Cry

Il grido (Original Title)

In a small Italian town, Irma's husband, who works in Sydney, dies and she decides to leave her lover, Aldo, who, after struggling to keep Irma away, leaves town with his young daughter Rosina. Aldo first goes to Elvia, a woman he has always loved, but Aldo finds he cannot love her and leaves again. Wandering, Aldo looks for work everywhere.


EN: All these years...nothing. Nothing was true.
CN: 这些年,什么都…什么都不是真的。

EN: Who's going to care if Irma is different from the other women? Being beautiful is one thing, being loose is another.
CN: 说闲话的人知道爱玛比她们漂亮,但是女人漂亮是一回事,坏是另外一回事。

EN: I don't live in Goriano anymore. I don't live anywhere. It's much better this way. I don't want to be tied down to one place anymore.
CN: 我居无定所,这样更好,我不喜欢被限制在一个地方。

EN: This stupid guy told me I'm as fresh as a daisy.
CN: 有些混蛋说我像朵花。

EN: I've never seen the mountains. I'm so stupid!
CN: 大山,我从没见过大山,瞧我多傻。

EN: My mother was right. Nobody should live on their own.
CN: 我妈妈说的对,人不应该独自生活。

- How did you make money there?
- By licking boots, my friend. All the time. Señor, mister, monsieur...Seven years like that, that's what that dredge cost me.
- 他去那里,能怎么赚钱呢?
- 舔别人的脚,小伙子,好的,先生。是的,先生。行,先生。七年跟狗一样,我就是这样在外面过日子的。

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