The Cordillera of Dreams


La Cordillera de los sueños (Original Title)

Patricio Guzmán在40多年前军事独裁政权接管民选政府时离开了智利,但他从未停止对一个国家、一种文化和地图上一个他从未忘记的地方的思考和记录。


The city in which I was born, Santiago, greets me with indifference. Each time I return, I feel that same distance. I don't recognize the city that lies before me.

The Cordillera is a mystery, it can't be explained, it just exists. Looking at it, one is a dreamlike state. It is the material of dreams. The material of dreams, standing there. And we are here. We feel soothed and always accompanied. It is like the back of a chair. It doesn't fall forwards or backwards.

When I evoke the beauty of the Cordillera, I mean its overall beauty, tragic, marvelous, I mean its strength. And its gentleness, too. There is nothing gentler than its valleys, those famous humid areas. There is nothing gentler.

We are artists. An artist is the guardian of his country's beauty. An artist must watch over his country's beauty, wherever that is.

It is not a valley, I live amongst the mountains. Between the mountains and the sea. These spaces form a kind of island. They protect me, but, at the same time, they isolate me.

Those people have two options: anguish, discretion and withdrawal, or denial, which is the most common and easiest choice, the one that gives you peace of mind.

The cars in this cemetery are like objects lost along the way. They have become useless. Just like the cars, everything Chile used to be was discarded. In the streets of Santiago, people get lost trying to find their way. They walk about without meeting each other. The city resembles a labyrinth. This social organization of society makes Chileans sad. 

我相信这个国家的失落是注定的,并不是因为芝加哥模型本身,而是因为它处在一个违背自己本质的系统中。我们的脚下有路 但没人知道路通向何方,正义,真相,不要豁免,人权不再像从前那样有号召力,现在人们讨论的是女权,堕胎,教育,退休,这些是当下的现实问题,而镇压的事,被拷打,被消失的人这些问题都不复存在了,但不公的现象仍然和以往一样,什么都没变。
I believe the sadness of this country is due, not to the model itself, but to being part of a system that goes against its nature. There's a path, but nobody knows where it leads. Justice! Truth! No to impunity! Human rights mobilize people less than before. Today, it's about women's rights, abortion, education, retirement. Those are today's actual problems. Problems of repression, torture and disappearances no longer exist. But injustice is still the same. Nothing has changed.

Good against evil. Evil, was the people, civilians, unarmed people, children, young people...It was blindness, a mythological blindness: we are fighting demons. A blindness that allowed the dehumanization of others to the extent of torturing them with electricity, butchering them, poisoning them, mutilating them, making them explode, making them disappear.

Pinochet's system remains in place today. An economical system that favors the rich and extorts the poor. If you fail to pay a bill, the fines are heavy. If a rich person wants to buy a bank, he asks for a loan, and is given a very low interest rate. If a poor person buys a pair of shoes on credit, he pays triple the price. If a rich guy buys a bank, he pays peanuts. That's how our country works.

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