EN: Everyone would like to be different from the others, but instead you want to be the same as everyone else.
CN: 人人都想与众不同,而你却想和平常人一样。
EN: "Animula vagula blandula hospes comesque corporis."
CN: "很少有灵魂徘徊不去,你的灵魂将与奇怪之物一起。"
EN: Ninety percent of the people who go to church today don't believe. The priests don't either.
CN: 去教堂的人九成都不信上帝,就连牧师也不信。
EN: Normal means matrimony, having a wife, family. That's what I want. I'm going to build a life that's normal. I'm marrying a petty bourgeois.
CN: 平凡的生活应该有婚姻,有妻子,家庭,这正是我所寻找的,我要过上平凡的生活,我要娶个漂亮的中产阶级姑娘。
EN: There are at least 5-6 people doing that, and he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bars downtown...The huge gatherings in Piazza Venezia. He likes people similar to himself and does not trust those who are different. That's why a normal man is a true brother, a true citizen.
CN: 平凡的男人喜欢看到与其相似的人,所以他喜欢到拥挤的海滩,足球场,市内的酒吧,还有披萨店,他喜欢与其相似的人,不信任与其不同的人,所以平凡的男人才算得上是真正的弟兄,好市民。
EN: For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to look at a beautiful woman's bottom.
CN: 我认为,平凡的男人就是会转过头看漂亮姑娘屁股的人。
Rain from scattered clouds.
Rains on the tamarisks briny and singeing,
rain on the pines scaly and bristly,
rain on the divine myrtles...rain on our bare hands,
on our light clothes,
on the fresh thoughts that the new soul reveals,
on the beautiful tale that deceived you yesterday,
that is deceiving me today, oh Hermione."
EN: All these years, you know what remained most firmly imprinted on my memory? Your voice. Imagine a great dungeon in the shape of a cave. Inside, men who have lived there since childhood, all chained, and forced to face the back of the cave. Behind them, far away, the light from a fire flickers. Between the fire and the prisoners, imagine a low wall similar to that little stage on which a puppeteer shows his puppets. That was November 1928. Now try and imagine some other men passing behind that little wall bearing statues made of wood and stone. The statues are higher than that wall. You couldn't have brought me a better gift than these memories. The enchained prisoners of Plato. And how they resemble us.
CN: 这些年来,你知道给我留下印象最深刻的是什么吗?你的声音,想象一下,有一个很深的地洞,在里面,有一群从小就被囚禁的囚犯,他们全身被紧绑,只以至于只能看到地洞里面,在他们背后远处 火把的火光在不停门烁,在火光与这些囚犯之间有一堵低墙,就好像是表演皮影戏时,介于表演者与观众之间的慕布,那是11月的28日,想象一下这堵墙后也有另一些人正在搬运各种东西,包括那些用木头或石头做成的雕像,这些雕像比那堵墙都高,没有什么比让我回忆起这些更好的礼物了,柏拉图笔下的那群被绑囚犯。