The Big Short by Levente Szabo

The Big Short

The Big Short (Original Title)

In the 2008 global financial crisis, several discerning Wall Street investment geeks saw through the bubble illusion before the 2007 U.S. credit meltdown and benefited substantially by shorting subprime CDS, becoming one of the few investment barons to profit substantially from the financial disaster.


EN: And if banking was boring, then the bond department at the bank was straight-up comatose. We all know about bonds. You give them to your snot-nosed kid when he turns 15. Maybe when he's 30 he makes a hundred bucks. Boring.
CN: 如果银行业废柴的话,证券部门就是植物人呆的地方。大伙都知道证券是怎么回事,把证券当礼物送给你的15岁小屁孩,到他30了能拿到一百来块钱,无聊之极。

EN: These outsiders saw the giant lie at the heart of the economy. And they saw it by doing something the rest of the suckers never thought to do. They looked.
CN: 这些人发现了经济中心的弥天大谎,方法不难,只是随大流的人永远不会去做:亲自去了解。

EN: This guy's whole business is built on ripping people off.
CN: 这家伙赚的钱是刮人骨头来的。

EN: It's pretty confusing, right? Does it make you feel bored? Or stupid? Well, it's supposed to. Wall Street loves to use confusing terms to make you think only they can do what they do. Or, even better, for you to just leave them the fuck alone.
CN: 名词让人头疼是吧?是不是让你觉得智商特别低,这就是它的本意,华尔街特别爱用玄乎的词儿,让你觉得只有他们才能做的来,或者你撒手不管,他们就更高兴了。

EN: Nobody knows what's in them. Nobody knows what's in the bonds. I've seen some that are 65% AAA-rated that I know for a fact are filled with 95% subprime shit with FICOs below 550!
CN: 没人知道里面装的什么东西,没人知道在证券里有什么猫腻,我见到过65%达到3A评级的,其实95%都是次级狗屎,信用评分都低于550。

EN: You get the ice cream, the hot fudge, the banana, and the nuts. Right now, I get the sprinkles, and, yeah, if this goes through, I get the cherry. But you get the sundae, Vinnie. You get the sundae.
CN: 你现在先拿到冰淇淋、巧克力、香蕉和坚果配料,我现在能拿到装饰糖粒,如果这事儿最终能成,我能吃到顶上的樱桃,但你能吃到圣代冰激凌,文尼,除了樱桃,剩下的全是你的。

- Now their foot's on fire, they think their steak is done, and you're surprised? That's not stupidity. That's fraud. 
- Tell me the difference between stupid and illegal, and I'll have my wife's brother arrested.
- 他们脚都开始着火了,心里却想着牛排应该烤熟了,你还觉得奇怪?这不是愚蠢,这是诈骗。
- 你跟我说清楚愚蠢和违法的区别,我就去把我小舅子抓起来。

- Do you have any idea what you just did? You just bet against the American economy.
- Which means if we're right...If we're right, people lose homes. People lose jobs. People lose retirement savings. People lose pensions. You know what I hate about fucking banking? It reduces people to numbers. Here's a number.
- 知道你们刚刚做了什么事吗?你俩在赌未来美国经济崩溃。
- 这意味着如果我们赌对了,如果我们是对的,人们会无家可归,大批人会失业,大家没了退休存款,养老钱都没了,我最讨厌这行的就是这一点,把人化为数字,告诉你个数字。

EN: If the mortgage bonds were the match and the CDOs were the kerosene-soaked rags, then the synthetic CDO was the atomic bomb with the drunk President holding his finger over the button. It was at that moment in that dumb restaurant with that stupid look on his face that Mark Baum realized that the whole world economy might collapse.
CN: 如果房贷证券是火柴,那CDO就是煤油弄湿的破布,而合成CDO就是原子弹,启动按钮被一个酒鬼总统把持着。这个时刻,在这破餐馆,马克表情像傻了一样,他头一次意识到整个世界经济可能要崩溃了。

EN: You love to be the virtuous one. I'm a banker. I'm a part of it. You always have, Mark. Like you're untainted. It changed me. It changed me into a person who is not able to reach out to someone...
CN: 你总是对自己有很高的道德要求,我做这行,在这个染缸里,你总是这样,马克,不想沾染脏东西,我也被改变了,我变成了再也不能和别人交心的人。

EN: Stop trying to fix the world. He told me...You're not a saint. Saints don't live on Park Avenue.
CN: 停下来别想着拯救世界了,他对说我,你不是圣人,圣人不会住在公园大道的富人区里。

EN: When the hell did we forget all that? I thought we were better than this. I really did. And the fact that we're not doesn't make me feel all right and superior. It makes me feel...Sad. I just know, that at the end of the day average people are going to be the ones that are gonna have to pay for all this. Because they always, always do.
CN: 我们难道都忘记教训了吗?我还以为我们有希望,真的这么以为过,还有虽然我们不够明智,但是我也不觉得自己多么正义,多么骄傲,我只是为大家感到…深深的悲哀。我只知道最后…将是普通百姓来承受这些痛苦,兴亡总是百姓遭殃。

EN: This business kills the part of life that is essential. The part that has nothing to do with business. For the past two years, my insides have felt like they're eating themselves. All the people I respected won't talk to me anymore except through lawyers.
CN: 做交易…杀死了生命中对我最重要的那部分,这部分和做交易无关,在过去两年我内心感觉到黑暗的东西在自我吞噬,我曾经尊敬过的人现在再也不理我了,除了通过律师来找我。

EN: People want an authority to tell them how to value things...but they choose this authority not based on facts or results. They choose it because it seems authoritative and familiar.
CN: 人们总希望有权威来告诉他们如何来选择价值,但他们选择权威,并不是基于事实情况或者成就...他们这样选,只是因为这些人看起来很权威,说出了他们想听的话。

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