The Beguiled

The Beguiled

The Beguiled (Original Title)

During the American Civil War, Confederate Army man John Mack was wounded and dying when he was rescued by a young girl from a Southern boarding school for girls. The girl brings him back to the school, where the students and teachers are both frightened and intimidated by him. As John recovers, he charms the school's female teachers one by one, and his jealousy turns into vengeance.


EN: I can't emphasize enough that French is a smiley language.
CN: 我要再次强调,法语是微笑的语言。

EN: If this war goes on much longer, I'll forget I ever was a woman.
CN: 如果这场战争再打下去,我会忘记自己曾是女人。

- And you white folks ain't killing each other because you care about us niggers. White man's the same everywhere in this world.
- You should say that men are the same everywhere, no matter what color.
- 你们白人互相残杀, 不是因为你们关心黑人,全世界的白人都一样。
- 你该说全世界的人都一样, 不管肤色。

EN: I wonder if sometimes you don't think of yourself as a sleeping beauty in the castle waiting for a prince to free you… with a kiss.
CN: 我想知道, 有时你会不会觉得自己,像是城堡里的睡美人, 等待王子来救你… 用亲吻。

EN: There's just about nothing I don't like about farming. And I have a great respect for land. It really used to grieve me when our outfit was moving this way and I could see what this war was doing to this fine land. It grieves me, too.
CN: 我很喜欢耕种,我很尊敬大地,当我们的军队朝这边走, 常让我悲从中来,我能目睹这场战争对这片土地的蹂躏,我也很悲伤。

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