EN: All the men in this village are the same. Stink to death! If it's a boy again I'll throw it to the stinky field again!
CN: 这村子的男人都半斤八两,臭死人了,下次若又是个男婴,我会再丢到你家臭田去的。
EN: Neko family's Granny monster, sitting at the corner of a warehouse, counting her teeth realising, she had 33.
CN: 树桩的阿玲躲在仓库角落,她像魔鬼有33颗牙。
EN: No matter how to die the soul will go to the mountain. We all will meet on the mountain.
CN: 无论怎么死灵魂都会往山上去,大家会在山上相见。
EN: I am going up to the mountain this winter. My maiden family’s granny also went up, auntie in this family also went up, I must go up too. It is hard to live down here. If I go up, I can meet Matsuyan there. Going to see Matsuyan.
CN: 这个冬天,我就要上山了,我娘家的奶奶也上山了,这个家的婆婆也上山了,现在轮到我了,这里的生活那么困苦,到山上就能见到阿松了。
EN: No matter how cold it is, you cannot wear cotton cloth when going up the mountain. No matter how hard it is, when snow flakes falls on Mt. Nara, all the hardship will disappear!
CN: 无论山上再寒冷,上山不能穿棉衣,无论楢山再残酷,天降白雪谓之福。
EN: Your brother is just like your dad, beats up people when angry! People who has no guts beat people up.
CN: 你真像你过世的爸爸,一生气就会动手打人,胆子小才会动手打人。
EN: I heard the god of the mountain waits at the top. Is it true? If there is really a god, it should snow like in the lyrics.
CN: 上面有山神在等着,那是真的吗,如果是真的,最好能像歌词一样会下雪。