EN: Follow-through is everything in golf, just like life.
CN: 善始善终是高尔夫的要领所在,就像生活一样。
EN: Movies are movies, Howard. Not life.
CN: 电影是电影,霍华德,不是生活。
EN: Men can't be friends with women. They must possess them or leave them be. It's a primitive urge from caveman days. It's all in Darwin. Hunt the flesh, kill the flesh, eat the flesh. That's the male sex all over.
CN: 男人不可能成为女人的朋友,要么不碰她们,要么拥有她们,这是从原始人开始就有的原始欲望,都在达尔文的学说里,捕猎肉体,杀死肉体,吃掉肉体,雄性就是这么回事。
EN: An airplane with the ability to fly into the substratosphere across the country. Across the world. Now that is the future.
CN: 一架能在亚同温层上飞遍全国的飞机,飞遍世界,那才是未来。
EN: Well, I'm box-office poison. I'm on the outs, the skids, the doldrums. Washed-up, day-old fish not worth the eating, so they tell me.
CN: 我是票房毒药,我过时了,走下坡路了,没人气了,就像不新鲜的鱼,已经不值得吃了,他们这么告诉我的。
EN: My hero. God, all that Hollywood talk bores me silly. As if there aren't more important things, like Mussolini.
CN: 我的英雄,上帝啊,这些好莱坞谈话真是无聊透顶,就好像没有更重要的事情了,比如墨索里尼。
EN: There goes our meal ticket.
CN: 我们的饭票来了。
EN: Do you really think they're gonna let you put out a whole movie just about tits?
CN: 你真的认为他们会让你发行一部全篇都是奶头的电影?
EN: The Hercules. A plane, a boat, a flying city.
CN: 大力神,一架飞机,一条船,一座飞行城市。
EN: Go on. Actresses are cheap in this town, darling.
CN: 尽管走吧,女演员在这个城市里面相当廉价,亲爱的。
EN: It's all been a grand adventure, but it couldn't possibly last. We're too alike, you and l.
CN: 过去的日子就像一场刺激的旅行 但我们不可能一直这样下去,我们太像了,我和你。
- Ava, will you marry me?
- No, Howard. In the first place, I don't love you. In the second place, I'm still married. Look, you got girls stashed all over town. You got a damn harem just at the Bel-Air. Marry one of your bungalow girls.
- 爱娃,你会嫁给我吗?
- 不,霍华德,首先,我并不爱你,其次,我已经结婚了。整个城里都有你的女人,在宝爱西饭店那你还有个温柔乡,从里面挑一个和她结婚吧。
EN: I'm Howard Hughes, the aviator.
CN: 我是霍华德·休斯,飞行家。
EN: The way of the future. The way of the future.
CN: 未来之路,未来之路。
EN: Every inch of his wiring and fluid connection. He has burns to 78 percent of his body. Nine ribs are shattered, not broken, shattered...as are his nose, his chin, his cheek, his left knee, his left elbow. He has 60 lacerations on his face, to the bone. His chest was crushed, so his left lung collapsed...and his heart has shifted to the right side of his chest cavity.
CN: 他全身的每一寸骨骼和血管,他全身78%烧伤,9根肋骨碎裂,不是折断,是粉碎。还有他的鼻子,下巴,面颊,左膝和左肘...面部有60个连骨头都能看到的伤口,胸腔变形,左边的肺部萎缩,心脏整个移位到右胸腔。