ted lasso S01

足球教练 第一季

Ted Lasso (Original Title)

杰森·苏戴奇斯扮演美国大学橄榄球教练,取得一定的成绩后竟被英国一家足球俱乐部请他去执教。虽然都叫Football,但美式橄榄球和英式足球区别可太大了,于是在英国闹出了不少笑话。该片根据NBC电视台NFL特别节目的广告宣传片改编,已经在Apple TV+播出第二季。


Ted Lasso:

Now, I'm gonna say this again just so you didn't think it was a mistake the first time I said it. For me, success is not about the wins and losses. It's about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field.

You know how they came up with soccer? So, these Victorian-era headmasters, all they wanted to do was get the boys to stop masturbating. So they invented a sport where the boys wouldn't use their hands at all, and they thought that might do the trick. 

That fella looked like a kitty cat when it gets spooked by a cucumber.

4、- 他一定是来自英国,对吧?
- 威尔士 
- 那是另一个国家吗?
- 是也不是 
- 英国有多少个国家
- 四个 
- 四个,很像现在的美国。
- I mean, he must be from England, yeah?
- Wales.
- Is that another country?
- Yes and no.
- How many countries are in this country?
- Four. 
- Four.It's kinda like America these days. 

5、- 你知道地球上最开心的动物是什么吗?是金鱼,你知道为什么吗?
- 不知道 
- 因为金鱼只有十秒钟的记忆,做条金鱼好吗?山姆。
- You know what the happiest animal on earth is? It's a goldfish. You know why?
- No. 
- Got a ten-second memory. Be a goldfish, Sam. Yeah?

I feel like we fell out of a lucky tree, hit every branch on the way down, ended up in a pool full of cash and Sour Patch Kids. I mean, Jamie is an ace, right? You know, whose attitude turned him into a seven of clubs. So then we bring in another fella to help turn him back into an ace and then that fella ends up being an ace himself. And so now we got two aces.


And though I believe that Ted Lasso will fail here and Richmond will suffer the embarrassment of relegation, I won't gloat when it happens. Because I can't help but root for him.

足球就是生命Football is life!

先生们 我是一个有神论者,鬼魂、指导灵、外星人,但我仍然没办法告诉你们,在我们生活的实体世界之外存在什么,不存在什么,我能告诉你们的是,除了《卡尔文和霍布斯》的聪明和智慧外,没有什么会永存。
Gentlemen, I am, by nature, a believer. Ghosts, spirit guides, aliens. Still, I can't actually tell youwhat lives beyond our physical world and what doesn't. What I can tell you, is that with the exception of the wit and wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes, not much lasts forever.

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