有件事很怪 不知道有没有人觉得,用“女音乐家”来代替“音乐家”是迫不得已,因为我们也不会称女性宇航员为“宇航媛”。
It is odd, I-I think, that anyone ever felt compelled to substitute"maestro" with "maestra." I mean, we don't call women astronauts "astronettes."
时至今日“多样”是一个脏字了,我的意思是 我们的事业专业性很强,如果你试图做多于一件事,那别人可能就会皱起眉头。
Well, in today's world,"varied," it-it's a dirty word. I mean, our era is one of specialists, and if you're trying to do more than one thing, it's, you know,it's often frowned upon.
It's...It's the 11 pistol shots--it's a prime number--that strike you as both victim and perpetrator. You know, it's not untilI conducted it that I became convinced we're all capable of murder.
Now, you can intellectually contemplate, or masturbate, about the felicity of the so-called "atonal," but the important question here is: What are you conducting? What is the effect? What is it actually doing to me? Good music can be as ornate as a cathedral or bare as a potting shed so long as it allows you to answer both those questions.
Is that if Bach's talent can be reduced to his gender, birth country, religion, sexuality, and so on, then so can yours. Now, someday, Max,when you go out into the world and you guest conduct for a major or minor orchestra, you may notice that the players have more than light bulbs and music on their stands. They will also have been handed rating sheets, the purpose of which is to rate you.
Si la femme a le de monter à l'échafaud, elle doit aussi avoir celui de monter à la tribune.
巴赫身上有一种谦逊,他并非在假装自己无所不知,因为他明白 永远只有疑问才能打动听众,而不会是回答,对吗?
There's a humility in Bach. He's not pretending he's certain about anything. 'Cause he knows that it's always the question that involves the listener. It's never the answer, right?