Synecdoche, New York


Synecdoche, New York (Original Title)



So, what about it? Why do so many people write about the fall? Well, I think it's seen as the beginning of the end, really. If the year is a life, then September, the beginning of when the bloom is off the rose and things start to die. It's a melancholy month and maybe because of that, quite beautiful.

Whoever has no house now Will never have one.
Whoever is alone will stay alone
Will sit, read, write long letters 
Through the evening 
And wander the boulevards Up and down, restlessly 
While the dry leaves are blowing.

Thinks he's only pretending to be at the end of a life full of despair. But the tragedy is that we know that you, the young actor...will end up in this very place of desolation.

It's a big decision how one prefers to die.

Well, there are two kinds of psychosis. They're spelled differently. P-S-Y is like if you're crazy, like Mama. S-Y is like these ugly things on my face. You could have both, though. 

Everyone is disappointing. The more you know someone, it just...This whole romantic-love thing, it's just a projection anyway, right?

Redundancy is fluid. Life moves to the south. There is only the now, and I am always with you.

And I'll be put in a box...and all I'll need is a tiny glass of water...and lots of tiny pieces of pizza. And the box will have wings like an airplane." ”And you ask, "Where will it take you?" "Home," I say.

You've never really looked at anyone other than yourself. So watch me. Watch my heart break. Watch me jump. Watch me learn that after death there's nothing. No more watching, no more following, no love. Say goodbye to Hazel for me. And say it for yourself too.

Everything is more complicated than you think. You only see a tenth of what is true. There are a million little strings attached to every choice you make. You can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you won't know for 20 years...and you may never, ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. Just try and figure out your own divorce. And they say there is no fate, but there is, it's what you create. And even though the world goes on for eons and are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second. Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born. But while alive, you wait in vain...wasting years for a phone call or a letter or a look...from someone or something to make it all right. And it never comes, or it seems to, but it doesn't really. So you spend your time in vague regret...or vaguer hope that something good will come along. Something to make you feel connected. Something to make you feel whole. Something to make you feel loved. And the truth is...I feel so angry. And the truth is...I feel so fucking sad. And the truth is, I've felt so fucking hurt for so fucking long. And for just as long, I've been pretending I'm okay...just to get along, just for...I don't know why. Maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery...because they have their own. Well, fuck everybody.

What was once before you, an exciting and mysterious now behind you, lived, understood, disappointing. You realize you are not special. You have struggled into existence and are now slipping silently out of it. This is everyone's experience. Every single one. The specifics hardly matter. Everyone is everyone. So you are Adele...Hazel, claire, Olive. You are Ellen. All her meager sadnesses are yours. All her loneliness. The gray, straw-like hair. Her red, raw hands. It's yours. It is time for you to understand this. Walk. As the people who adore you stop adoring they die, as they move you shed them, as you shed your beauty, your the world forgets you, as you recognize your you begin to lose your characteristics one by you learn there is no one watching you...and there never was, you think only about driving. Not coming from anyplace, not arriving anyplace...just driving, counting off time. Now you are here. It's 7:43. Now you are here. It's 7:44. Now you are gone. Where is everybody? Mostly dead. Some have left.

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