1、You live in a box. I could lift the lid. Let some light in.
2、- Nelson...
- Would you like to be my November?
- Yes.
3、Every month is November, Sara. And I love you every day. This is our month. It never has to end. November is all I know...And all I ever wanna know.
4、And then my wife, she says to me, "Manny, you can fix nothing." So then she leaves me for plumber.
5、He needs fire. He needs food. He hunts and gathers. What does he get? He gets a hot dog.
6、Every woman I know spends $200 on a haircut. You use a vacuum cleaner.
7、I always say, a bad hire strengthens the competition's hand. A good general feeds off his enemy. Actually Sun Tzu said that last line in The Art of War.
8、- Ah.
- Okay. Happy we-stole-your-land- and-killed-your-people day.