EN: Only the courageous act. The rest are tyrannized by a legal system, made by cowardly men who cannot admit their true desires.
CN: 有胆之人才有所为,其余人都畏手畏脚,制定法规的懦夫不敢直面自己的真正欲望,法律残暴地束缚了他们。
EN: Better a millstone be hung around your neck and you be cast into the sea than that you should ever hurt for one of these little ones.
CN: 在你脖子上挂一块磨石,然后把你扔进海里,都不及你应为这些小孩子的其中一个所遭受的罪。
EN: Never trust a pedophile.
CN: 永远不要相信一个恋童癖。
- Why are you doing it?
- Because God's children are not for sale.
- 你为什么要做这个?
- 因为上帝的孩子不是商品。
EN: I take her up to my place, do the deed, pay the bill. She's putting on her shoes, and I notice something. I notice her foot. She's got these little pink cat faces painted on her toenails. And it hit me. She's not 25. Then she glances up and our eyes connect. And it was like I was granted a glimpse into her soul, and all I saw was sadness… All of a sudden I'm hit by this tidal wave, this tsunami of darkness, and I know I'm the sadness in her eyes. Me. I'm the darkness. And I know the darkness has to die.
CN: 我带她回了家,做了那档子事,完事付了钱,她穿鞋的时候,我注意到了什么,我发现她脚上,她的脚趾甲上画了粉色的小猫头,我突然意识到她根本没有25岁,她抬起头,我们目光交汇了,然后我仿佛瞥见了她的灵魂,充满了悲伤。突然间我就被这种海啸般的黑暗给淹没了,我知道,是我铸就了她眼里的悲伤,是我,我就是黑暗的一员,我还知道,这黑暗必须被终结。
EN: You Wanna know why? Because you can sell a bag of cocaine one time. But a child, the most precious child… You can sell a five year-old kid five to ten times a day for ten years straight! And everyday ordinary people don't want to hear it, it's too ugly for polite conversation, but meanwhile over two million children a year are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell.
CN: 想知道为什么吗?因为你一次只能卖一袋可卡,因但一个孩子,一个家庭的宝贝,一个5岁的孩子直到他15岁每天,都可以被转卖5到10次,而平常人并不想聊这些,这个话题太恶心,不适合拿来应酬,但每年确确实实有超过200万个未成年儿童被迫堕入地狱深渊。