It was like a nightmare. My life.
I feel like something's gonna happen. And if I scratch the surface there'll be something terrible underneath.
People are what they are. You have to learn to accept that and you have to learn to accept society's rules of privacy. If you don't follow the rules, Billy, bad things happen. Now, some people make the rules and some people follow the rules. It's a question of what you're born to.
你正处于危险中 - 丢失一粒扣子的危险,它仅仅被一根线挂着。
You're in danger of losing this button here. It's only held on by one thread.
Jesus, Bill! You never were one of us. You almost understand, don't you, Bill? You're a different race from us, a different species, a different class. You're not one of us. You have to be born into society.
The rich have always sucked off low-class shit like you.
♪ 当你厌倦了胜利 ♪
♪ 当你厌倦了名利 ♪
♪ 当你的头在旋转 ♪
♪ 你喝了所有最好的香槟酒 ♪
♪ 然后我们会一起唱歌 ♪
♪ 我们就是真实的上流社会 ♪
♪ 我们一起歌唱 ♪
♪ 上流社会在等你 ♪
♪ 我们如何变得更富有 ♪
♪ 钱打滚的游戏 ♪
♪ 只有穷人才会更穷 ♪
♪ 我们都是以他们为食 ♪
♪ 然后我们会一起歌唱 ♪
♪ 我们就是真实的上流社会 ♪
♪ 我们一起歌唱 ♪
♪ 上流社会在等你 ♪
♪ When you get tired of winning ♪
♪ When you get tired of fame ♪
♪ Or when your head is spinning ♪
♪ And you've drunk all the best champagne ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ To society we'll be true ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ Society waits for you ♪
♪ How we all get richer ♪
♪ Playing the rolling game ♪
♪ Only the poor get poorer ♪
♪ We feed off them all the same ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ To society we'll be true ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ Society waits for you ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ To society we'll be true ♪
♪ Then we'll all sing together ♪
♪ Society waits for you ♪
♪ We'll all sing together… ♪