Snow Cake

Snow Cake

Snow Cake (Original Title)

Alex, who had just been released from prison, wanted to go to Canada alone, and then he met Vivienne, a young girl in a restaurant, who wanted to take Alex's ride back to the town where her mother lived.


EN: I only mentioned it because I wanted you to be aware that ordinary looking people are often the ones you need to avoid.
CN: 我提到这事 只是为了让你清楚,长相普通的人,往往就是你竭力避开的那种人。

EN: Vivienne wanted to be a writer. She said she would always try and get a ride with the most lonely looking characters because they had the best stories.
CN: Vivienne想当作家,她说她一直想尝试和看上去最孤独的人物一起搭车,因为他们都有最好的故事。

EN: Vivienne once described an orgasm to me. It sounds like an inferior version of what I feel when I have a mouth full of snow.
CN: Vivienne曾对我描述过高潮,听起来像是嘴巴里塞满雪时,那种感觉的低级解释。

EN: From now on, every time I miss Vivienne, I'm going to make a crazy creature snowman.
CN: 从现在起,每次我想起Vivienne,我就要堆个奇形怪状的雪人。

EN: "I don't remember when I noticed my eyebrows, but I know that's when it all started. What is the moment worth? The past is only a memory, the future a fantasy. It's only in the present that we truly live."
CN: ''...记得当我注意到你的眉毛,但我知道在那一刻一切就此开始,这一刻价值几何?过去是回忆,未来是梦想,只有此刻,我们真正生活''

EN: I don't like normal people, I like useful people. And people who like doing the things I like doing.
CN: 我不喜欢普通人,我喜欢有用的人,那些和我有相同兴趣的人。

EN: And on the eighth day he manages to loosen a rock and push his way up through the top. With his stretchy arms. And up into the daylight, just as the sun is coming up over the mountains, and filling the sky with this white-yellow light, and there's a stillness. And in the few minutes he's got before his captor, the evil Doctor Doom, returns, he stops for one second. And all he can hear is his own breathing. And he's totally overwhelmed by how big the world is and how small and unimportant he is. And as he turns around, we see his face look to the sky, and he says, very quietly,  so that no one can hear him. He says, "Dazlious."
CN: 第八天,他弄松了块石头从洞顶逃出,用弹力手臂,回归到日光下,太阳刚刚升上山顶,金黄的光线照耀天空,四周一片寂静,几分钟后,在他的对手,邪恶的Doom博士回来之前,他停下了一秒钟,他只能听到自己的心跳,他完全被震撼了...世界磅礴,而自己如此渺小,当他转过身,我们看见他仰首面对天空,轻轻地说话,没人听见他说了什么...他说"Dazlious"。

EN: I won't see Vivienne again, you won't see Vivienne again, and he won't see Vivienne again.
CN: 我再也看不到Vivienne了,你也看不到Vivienne,他也再见不到Vivienne了。

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