EN: Very funny. The cracks you make, Tommy, sometimes I think you should see a doctor. You know, go in for some wit therapy or something. To clean out the valves in your brain.
CN: 很好笑 Tommy,有时候你的冷笑话让我觉得你该去看医生,去脑科查查看,把脑子洗一洗。
EN: Tobacco today, sex tomorrow. In three or four years, it'll probably be against the law to smile at strangers.
CN: 今天禁烟,明天禁性,再过几年朝陌生人微笑也违法了。
EN: The last I heard, it was still illegal to sell Cuban cigars in this country. It's the law that's buying. That's what's so beautiful about it. I mean, when was the last time you heard of a judge sending himself to jail?
CN: 至少目前贩卖古巴雪茄还是违法的,买家就是立法者,天大的讽刺,你听说过法官判自己入狱么?
EN: It's my corner, after all. I mean it's just one little part of the world, but things take place there too, just like everywhere else.
CN: 毕竟我属于这里,虽然只是世界的一个角落,但是也和世界其他地方一样在经历每一天。
EN: They're all the same, but each one is different from every other one. You've got your bright mornings and your dark mornings. You've got your summer light and your autumn light. You've got your weekdays and your weekends. You've got your people in overcoats and galoshes, and you've got your people in T-shirts and shorts. Sometimes the same people, sometimes different ones. And sometimes the different ones become the same, and the same ones disappear. The earth revolves around the sun, and every day the light from the sun hits the earth at a different angle.
CN: 它们是一样,但又不一模一样,有天晴有天阴 有夏日有秋阳,有工作日有休息天,有穿着大衣雨靴的人,有穿着汗衫短裤的人,有老面孔,有新面孔,有时新面孔变成了老面孔,而老面孔却消失了,地球绕着太阳转,每天阳光从不同角度照向地球。
EN: It's not that far away, but it's another galaxy. Black is black and white is white, and never the twain shall meet. It looks like they've met in this apartment. Let's not get too idealistic.
CN: 是不远,但是两个世界,黑是黑白是白,泾渭分明,但它们在这里同流合污了,理想向现实妥协。