Silver Linings Playbook


Silver Linings Playbook (Original Title)



I'm gonna take this negativity and use it as fuel. I'm gonna find a silver lining. And that's no bullshit. That's no bullshit. That takes work and that's the truth.

I mean, the world's hard enough as it is, guys. Hard enough as it is. Can't somebody say, "Hey, let's be positive? Let's have a good ending to the story?"

People will get over it. It'll work out. I'll take that as a silver development. That's a silver lining.

You do everything you can, work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining.

I was a big slut, but I'm not anymore. There's a part of me that's sloppy and dirty, but I like that, with all the other parts of myself. Can you say the same about yourself, fucker? Can you forgive?

Sometimes it's OK with girls, they wanna have fun. Sometimes it's not, they got a broken wing, they're an easy target. In this particular case, I think that that wing is being fixed, my friend. Make sure it gets mended. You're getting in the way of that. She's sensitive, smart, artistic. This is a great girl. Be respectful to that.

Because I do this. Time after time, I do all this shit for other people. And then I wake up and I'm empty, I have nothing.

The only way to convey how much you've missed me is by your walk.

Life reaches out a moment like this, it's a sin if you don't reach back. I'm telling you, it's a sin. It'll haunt you the rest of your days like a curse.

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