Senso 1954


Senso (Original Title)

In the spring of 1866, on the eve of the conflict between Italy and Austria, an Italian noblewoman, Countess Serpieri, betrayed her marriage and her country and recklessly fell in love with Lieutenant Franz Mahler, a handsome and perverse Austrian officer, and the two fell in love with each other, but the times had changed dramatically, which eventually led to tragedy.


EN: Relatives are often the people we know the least about.
CN: 亲戚往往是我们最不了解的人。

EN: I'm very fond of opera, Countess Serpieri, when it's an opera I'm fond of. But I don't care for it when it takes place offstage. I dislike people behaving like characters in some melodrama, with no regard for the serious consequences of a gesture dictated by impulse or by unforgivable thoughtlessness.
CN: 只要是歌剧,我都爱,但我只爱舞台上的表演,我不喜欢人在生活中也做戏,完全不顾一时冲动… 或无理取闹的… 严重后果。

EN: May we meet again as Italians!
CN: 愿下次见面时,我们都是意大利人。

EN: You know, if someone told me… “There's only the present moment. There's no tomorrow beyond this very instant…” I'd feel as if a doctor had informed me I was fatally ill… that I had only a number of hours to live. Yet now I know it's true.
CN: 如果以前有人告诉我,只有此时此刻,没有明天,没有以后,我会觉得像医生在通知我我患了绝症,只有几小时的命了,不过,现在我信了。

EN: You made me forget every shred of decency and dignity. It's true. Every shred of dignity… for a wretched and illicit love… that brought nothing but shame.
CN: 一见到你,我就把体面和尊严丢到了九霄云外,千真万确,我放弃了尊严… 换取这不幸且低贱的… 令我蒙羞的爱情。

- Do you believe in war?
- I believe that the freedom of a people must be defended at the cost of one's own liberty… or life.
- 你相信战争吗?
- 我相信一个民族的独立… 是要牺牲个人自由或生命来换取的。

EN: We walked together for a long time… through the deserted streets. My earlier prejudices were dispelled. Time no longer existed. There existed only a secret and unspoken pleasure I experienced in hearing him speak and laugh, and in hearing the echo of our footsteps in that silent city.
CN: 我们一起走了很久… 穿过无人的街道,我早先的偏见烟消云散,时间仿佛停滞不前,只剩下心照不宣的喜悦,这喜悦来自倾听他的谈笑… 和我们的脚步在寂静城市里的回响。

EN: You know… in a room of this kind there's always some kind of little noise like this: the curtains rustling, or a moth or fly beating against the windowpane. You never really hear it until afterwards. But then you remember it was going on all the while you were so close together. You remember that you heard this little sound all the while… without really noticing it then. It's only later… that it becomes a detail of the experience. Can a detail… be that important? A part of the adventure. Almost as important as — As the color, odor, and softness of her hair… on the pillow.
CN: 这样的小屋里,总是充满了各种奇妙的细微声响… 窗帘的悉沙声,飞蛾或苍蝇撞在玻璃上的声音,但你只有在过后才能听见,你会发现,原来那声音一直存在,与你如此接近,你会想起自己原来一直都能听见却从未注意过。片刻之后… 它成为一种细腻的感受,这是一种奇妙的经历,相当重要,几乎和… 和色彩,香气,或是枕头上她秀发的柔软触感一样。

EN: What is war anyway, except a convenient method of forcing people to think and behave in the way most beneficial to the rulers?
CN: 战争是什么呢?不过是强迫他人按照符合统治者意愿的方式思考和行动的最便捷方式。

EN: I'm not an officer now. I'm not a gentleman now. I am a drunken deserter. And I stink to high heaven of cowardice and vice!
CN: 我已经不是军官了,也算不上绅士了,只是个酗酒的逃兵,上帝也唾弃我的懦弱和堕落!

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