EN: The desire for medicine is probably the biggest difference between humans and animals.
CN: 对药的渴望,大概是人和动物之间最大的区别。
EN: When the pollen count goes up, just like the stock market.
CN: 当花粉飞扬的时候,他们的钞票就会象雪花一样,飞进他们的腰包。
EN: Hindus had the right idea Arnold. When the husband died the wife went with him. Threw herself right on the funeral pyre. Then he didn't have to worry about her.
CN: 印度人的传统真是无可挑剔,丈夫死后妻子必须陪葬,这样丈夫就不用为妻子的生活操心了。
EN: The fact that the end is near seems to have sharpened all my senses. See this tree here Arnold? Not too well George. It's beautiful. Such strength. It's magnificent. And this table. Feels so good just to run your hand over it. So smooth and cool. Well, all this is coming a little late for me Arnold, this awareness. Why couldn't I have felt like this every day in my life?
CN: 在死亡离我越来越近的时候,我对世界的触觉就更加敏锐了,看看这棵树,阿诺尔德,多么美丽啊,多么粗壮,这么的雄伟,还有这张桌子,你把手放在它上面,感觉是多么的… 多么的光滑。唉,这一切对我来说都太迟了,这种认识,我为什么以前没有体会呢?
EN: They needed a good sport in heaven. So they sent for George Kimball.
CN: 它们需要一个天堂运动员,于是他们找到了乔治。
EN: When a man's wife thinks he's having an affair, how can he convince her he's not? Make any difference. Isn't a man innocent until proven guilty? Look boy, you're dealing with your wife.
CN: 妻子认为丈夫有外遇的时候,丈夫怎么能让妻子相信他没有外遇,别再挣扎了,在没被定罪之前,不也是无辜的吗?你是在和你妻子打官司。